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Irgendwer gute Erfahrungen gemacht mit einem Mittel
I’d like to visit the African continent. My grandfather is involved in development aid there. : I’d like to take a look. First of all, I would like to continue the project in the near future.
No more so really.. I’ve been pretty much everywhere I’m interested in.
I want to go for a long time and I will do that (if I should stay healthy), in a foreseeable time
East Timor, São Tomé and Príncipe, Surinam, Indonesia, Cambodia, Mexico, Brazil.
I’ve seen almost this whole world, so I’d rather irritate parallel worlds with other cultures or at least the moon or Mars. :
After Bhutan I would have traveled once. That was not possible in the past. And today I can’t do it for health reasons anymore.
Once to Egypt to the pyramids. That’s it.
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New Zealand, Iceland, Siberia
Fiji I like to be there if you want to know us