Welche Felge kaufen?


ich würde mir gerne neue Felgen für mein Wagen kaufen, leider habe ich absolut kein Plan worauf man achten muss bzw. welche Felge überhaupt passt. Ich habe ein 5er bmw (e60) 2007 Baujahr. Vielleicht kann ja der ein oder andere mir einwenig unter die Arme greifen beim Felgen Kauf.

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3 years ago

There are several measurements that need to fit on a rim to mount them:

  1. inch, e.g. 17″
  2. rim width in inches, e.g. “8”
  3. hole circle, i.e. the distance between the holes for fastening, e.g. “112”
  4. Number of holes for fastening, e.g. “5”
  5. Injection depth, i.e., the measure that indicates how far the rim is inward or outward, e.g. “40”

In total, the dimensions of a rim are thus represented, for example, in this way: 8.0J x 17 ET40 LK5x112.

If you select your vehicle, you can only display the rims on the current websites that fit the vehicle in principle. But this is not a guarantee that they actually fit. Because, above all, the diameter, the width and the press-in depth can ensure that a wheel, although it can be mounted, grinds e.g. on the caroses. So if the wheel is to fit in any case, one of these variants must be selected:

  1. A rim that has exactly the same dimensions as the original rim.
  2. An accessory rim that has different dimensions, but has a general approval (ABE) for exactly your vehicle.

If you don’t know about it, I advise you to be personally advised in the specialist trade.

3 years ago

Look in forums what others drive for ne size on the same car. Then look at what there are for models in size. Then ask the manufacturer.

Alternatively: go straight to nem tuner

3 years ago

You can also consult the tyre dealer on site. This brings you extra tips. There are velvet manufacturers which are original equipment. They are cheaper on the free market than on BMW directly. But just as good.