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Once assumed, I would buy myself a new car, which is a rather unrealistic scenario, I would choose some beautiful colorful color. I think it’s very boring to see almost only white, silver and black cars on the street nowadays. Especially white always looks a bit like the paint is missing.
It wouldn’t have to be an extremely squeaky color for me, but I’d like a Racing Green or a dark blackberry tone.
But since I’m just gonna drive around with company cars in the near future, I’m gonna have to stay with Black.
Cars I drove so far were all blue.
I didn’t care so far and I probably don’t care what color my car has in the future.
I’ve had all the colors. Black (or very dark) is annoying in the summer, and – just like white – it always looks dirty.
Therefore, as at the moment, silver – is not a must.
I find many colors beautiful. And ideally, I sit in the car and don’t see what color the car has.
Since it would certainly be a Hyundai, the shade “Dragon Red”. Looks really great.
I find “grey” really horny…
Look again and again for nem pretty gray GTI-TCR!
Or a pretty A5…
In the end, it almost doesn’t matter. Torture Gray-Matt or Black-Matt and Done!
I always found white very horny, but you have to polish it so often as you see every spot of flying pink! 😩
White and exactly this car 😍 certain
alfa romina
Jaa, I love Alfa Rominas
Unfortunately no more. I had a 147 for 2 years and it was already brilliant 😎
are you driving a romina?
This is the Giulietta. Also a super nice car.
The quality is better than with some BMW, I know from my mechanic =)
The more I look at it, the more it triggers me.
In DE they actually see little, but in the CH very widespread. In the past, unfortunately, they often stood in the workshop, do not know how quality is in the meantime
The design is really nice. I like the Romina Giulietta.
That’s exactly what’s special about it. They’re not cars like everyone else.
are ready. I’m still disturbing that the license plate is always sideways.
We got it before yesterday and Monday it goes to the slider:
Tangierine Dream Oracal 970-959
so orange
Black or grey matt.
So far I had two new cars. The first was dark green, the second and current is black. If I order a car again today, I guess it’s a dark blue.
I would never take red, because after 10 years the color starts to fade. My father had the problem with his car and also my wife. Their current car is also dark blue because it was the only one in the entire used car market that matched their ideas (small, 4 doors, automatic, max 5 years, a few kilometers).
I would also choose white if I didn’t like any color, only then I would have the car to follow.
Are the new red lacquers still bleaching? I always felt that would be a problem of older (20 years +) red cars 🤔
Younger models are also affected and the paints need to be more environmentally friendly, have also felt more and more vehicles
Nee, a Polo 3 ^^ But I think that VW has stopped in generation to build semi-sighted cars 😀
Oh, probably another polo 2 *.* They’re absolutely great.
My big aunt drives a red polo, built something-90, which is quite badly exuberant, maybe therefore
V.a. with the French, I notice. VW I see very few in red, so I can’t judge this.
I’ve never noticed that before. I think of some old polos that were really almost pink at some point. For me, new paints look kind of crazy, they never look really dirty and always shine
I find absolutely ugly. I still know as the police moved to silver because you could sell the white cars so hard 🙂
I don’t think it’s a bad thing to look grey.
I already had black, but the dirt is very clear:-)
to the bag! 😛