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I like almost all colors and find some variety good.
Thanks for the ⭐
I like to wear my favorite jeans (light blue, wide and high-waist) with mostly green or blue (dark blue) tops.
I love this combination just so mega 🤗
So I usually wear green or blue, in summer but also like orange(I have an upper part where the color looks good, otherwise I don’t like the color so).
Greetings and a beautiful Saturday continue,
Reader’s note
black 🙂
Pink, rosé, royal blue and water blue
Black or white.
I like classic and easy to combine colors, like dark blue, dark green, dark red or beige, generally red tones. I also love my black and white long-sleeved shirts over everything;-)
I like so dark red, wee red, dark magenta. Of course not the complete outfit only in the color, but for example only the top
I find this brings about a calm, prosperous atmosphere and makes people kind of likeable haha
I like dark colors
I prefer black, grey, white, dark blue and dark green clothes
I love to wear grey, beige or purple
Oh nee, for that even the most helpful answer was given 😅 How the most helpful answer and my username mean I like my clothes “bunt” 🎨😊
Mostly black
black, blue, grey, red, orange