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Hey Un1kQ,
I think you mean the question “What Radiation is most common in the universe?’
That would be the infrared radiation, I guess.
Otherwise, astronomers found out how the universe looks completely together or what color it would have.
The result was a pale turquoise, here is explained more precisely.
I hope I could help you and wish you a nice afternoon.
dwarfrabbit2 (13 years old, no expert)
Not necessarily the most common, but I would like to see the color “Cosmic Latte” which is described as an average color of the visible universe.
This color is created by the combination of the different shades of stars, galaxies and other sky objects. Astronomers have found that the majority of stars have a yellowish-white color, which leads to the dominance of the Cosmic Latte in the universe.
Comparison here:
There are no colors in the universe
Which radiation would be the right question..
I think infrared.
Infrared. Bäm, that’s amazing, huh?
Is that the color of love?
No, love is colour-blind.
White / Red-white.