Welche externe Festplatte soll ich kaufen für Spiele?
Ich möchte zusätzlich einen externe Festplatte mindestens mit 1TB kaufen.
Hauptsächlich möchte ich große Spiele draufpacken, die halt sehr viel Speicherplatz brauchen.
Kann jemand eine externe Festplatte empfehlen?
I do not recommend an external hard drive for games because the transfer speed of the data via USB is very limited. It would be better to grab an additional HDD in your PC internally and connect it via SATA.
Externally, you should only put on Portable SSDs with “fast” bus. However, this must also create your PC/laptop as an interface.
The first choice should always be an internal solution. See if on your motherboard slots are still free for NVMe or SATA and build the memory directly.
In addition, use SSDs, not HDDs. The prices for good SSDs are currently so low that it is not worth installing a few euros on a slow HDD games and having significantly longer charging times etc.
Never install software on an external hard drive, no games at all. The transmission speed is trickier.
SATA III: approx. 600MB/s
USB 3.0: approx. 500MB/s
Jep, a difference of just under 17% is definitely to be classified as “miserabel”. Especially when considering that the plate itself is more likely at approx. 500MB/s is what brings the difference to about 0%…
Nice that you can read data sheets but practice experience you obviously have no.
What are you doing professionally?
Apparently more than you. I have often pushed enough volumes of data from several hundred gibibytes with a variety of data carriers and interfaces. The difference between SATA and USB was rarely noticeable at all.
P.S.: * Practice experience
I would not recommend an external hard drive because the charging times will be too long. Also software should not be installed on external drives.
Mfg Jannick (L1nd)
Small absolutely serious tip: add an internal
You will get problems with installation on an external disk IMMER and have
Look at the Toshiba P300 (2TB ~45€) or if it’s just about games, then you can also add a 2.5″ SSD like the Patriot P220 (2TB for 84€)
External SSD is better.