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I don’t want to talk to others, that’s none of my business.
I just wanted to look at what happened first. If a new means comes to the market in the pig gallop (if everything is as true as it was reported), then I don’t want to be the first of the snake to try it out. I used to have to take medication and I know from my own experience that there can always be side effects. That’s why I’m more careful. Until I get an ibuprofen, I’ve got to get really bad. Otherwise, if I’m sick for a few days, I don’t care. For this, I live healthy and I also know something about healing methods, as other things would happen to me when one really gets caught. And that’s what I did not end well 20 years ago with a hepatitis vaccination, and even today still occasionally have slight complaints about it and a burnt child, as we know, shy the fire.
A good decision because Holger Reißner, Privatdozent and former external adviser of the Robert Koch Institute, now speaks of a “Sterben der Geimpften”. As the researcher comes to it, he explained in an interview with “Auf1”.
But of course:D
“All vaccinated are dead in September1!!1” or how was that?:)
The remedy did not come to the market in the pig gallop. It was researched exactly as any other vaccine that comes to the market.
The Corona vaccines were even researched twice as much as normal vaccines.
The MRNA vaccines have been researched for 10 years.
When it comes to your health and well-being, why don’t you inform yourself?
Informing and then deciding against vaccination would have made sense for me.
But don’t even inform yourself and play lottery with his health, it’s just simple.
ok and please swell SERIÖSE again and not such a lazy 😉
1. an ad can create JEDER that does not imply that it succeeds, nor that it is justified
Two. whether you are unimpeded once again or not said wrongly nothing about the “death of the vaccinated”
3. there’s really mixed up. this will be looked after the reasons.
and the best: there is nothing of “the dead of the vaccinated”
so all empty affirmations without meaning and understood.
more sober.
Things begin to move
Overmortality also takes on journey apparently-wissen
I will continue to take the vaccinations my doctor recommends. Because I assume she understands more than me. And more than Hildmann or Wendler.
I might be able to refresh myself, depending on how the situation develops…
and my health is too valuable for medical experiments!
I’m sorry. many people are vaccinated 4 or even 5 times and still get corona. there are also the many side effects: extremely painful girdles, brain tromboses, paralysis, heart muscle ignitions, heart attack, even dead and and. you can’t talk about a completely harmless vaccination that’s effective! And it seems that the vaccinated are just looking for excuses to not admit that they were totally fucking to other thinkers who were ultimately right. now everyone says that the coronary vaccinations never protected from infections and that no one ever carved the opposite. but it was communicated by the political and the media over months! it has always been said to protect the vaccination from infections. I could show you many comments from my old account in which I was a conspiracy theorist because I criticized exactly this statement. even on the side of the PEI it stood! and now no one wants to know about it. if you are delivered to the hospital in spite of 4 inoculations with corona, if you die by the inoculations of herzinfact, get paralysis, get health prolems or get brain trombosis, then you can definitely not talk about an effective, safe vaccination! if it would not justify this decision!
Seriously, no one can be that stupid!
Unfortunately, we are now experiencing the death of the vaccinated people.
Bhakdi has predicted it two years ago
nope, bahkdi is a conspiracy theorist, lügner and anti-Semitic hetzer.
He didn’t do anything except for the construction.
and we also do not experience “the death of the vaccinated”;)
no single source of it refers to what has been anonymously given;)
1. an ad can create JEDER, which means neither that it has success nor that it is justified
Two. whether one re-sounds unimpeded or does not say anything about the “death of the vaccinated”
3. there’s really mixed up. this will be looked after the reasons.
and the best: there is nothing of “the dead of the vaccinated”
so all empty affirmations without meaning and understood.
more sober. apparently-wissen
Again, where are your documents?:)
Let’s finally show a single document 🙂
No, this accumulation is not normal at all. Even if it does not happen shortly after vaccination: young healthy people die in this frequentity not just so! It can’t be that hard!
Nope, not just maybe.
Yes, even in this classification. I’m sure you have evidence that this is happening “just after the day the vaccination was injected” or?
I thought so everything as always 🙂
bhakdi maybe. but there are still enough annoyed who criticize the vaccination and never had anything to do with any conspiracy-sheories. the world is great! it is only necessary to look at the accumulation of sudden and unexpected deaths by heart-propelled. There has always been something like that, but not in this gradation! strangely, these cases always happen shortly after the day when the vaccination was injected! Why if there’s nothing to do with vaccination and everything is just a coincidence?
I’m not vaccinated and it’s gonna stay like that. Don’t look at it.
A wise decision because the CDU politician Jens Spahn spoke of a “Pandemie der Ungeimpften” as Federal Health Minister. Holger Reißner, a private lecturer and a former external advisor to the Robert Koch Institute, is now talking about a “stay of the vaccinated”. As the researcher comes to it, he explained in an interview with “Auf1”.
But not all, as cursing wild variations. From up to 3 months. But 1 x annually and as required adapted and optimized in the direction of action (mix systems).
My two friends had a slight flu symptoms for 2 days. I didn’t notice.
Get more boosters because I’m a risk patient.
I’m 3x vaccinated. I did it at the time when without this vaccination you could hardly do anything more.
But I won’t let myself intrude because I’ve had more physical problems than before.
I am unvaccinated but all infections after the first time corona were barely stirrable. I am therefore immunized
I’ll take a refreshment vaccination. Every two, three years should be enough, otherwise we méin immune system still depends on the stuff.
I’m, I’m, I’m, and I’m always gonna be insane.
I never had any negative vaccinations.
The CDU politician Jens Spahn spoke as Federal Health Minister of a “Pandemie der Ungeimpften”. Holger Reißner, a private lecturer and a former external advisor to the Robert Koch Institute, is now talking about a “stay of the vaccinated”. As the researcher comes to it, he explained in an interview with “Auf1”.
Up to 30 per cent mortality in Germany and similar figures from other European countries are currently causing riddle rates to cause obscurity.
Every pupil, every doctor, every politician, the PEI [Paul-Ehrlich-Institute], the RKI – all who have really seriously dealt with the mRNA “vaccination” should have seen that there is something in there that is not pure,” criticises Reißner. And he only speaks of the particles whose size exceeds the permissible values.
The Working Group on Vaccines Reconnaissance on 6 July 2022 published its provisional result under an 81-page document. The vaccines have been investigated internationally and the data have been bundled, says Reißner. 60 scientists from different countries would have verified these and confirmed the research results.
Don’t change my mind and conviction.
further training would not harm to identify the difference between vaccination and gene treatment.
But everyone is his own forge. It shouldn’t be a coercion.
There is the Semmelweis effect. Semmelweis was long fought by doctors because they had to admit that they killed many mothers indirectly.
And that was the right decision.
Yes, the discrimination that the inoculated had to bear is nothing to the problems that the vaccinated now get
The bad thing is, there are still people who think that unimpededs would be stupid enemies, uneducated, against progress, and God knows what. I honestly don’t care about people if they get bad consequences.
Of course, I do not wish it to everyone, there are many vaccinations that have not been vaccinated and for which I hope their health will not deteriorate and if there are problems, they will find a doctor who can solve them.
But to those who are still talking about such a shit and who were real cobble-bucks in between last year, I wish they could get the negative effects.
The bad thing is the lack of seriousness by the doctors. If the patients were at least taken seriously, there would be something like hope. Otherwise, you really only wait in the pure uncertainty. There, the system gets on again, the problem that already exists with vaccinated persons. That makes the thing ten times worse than it is.
What will come to the vaccinations, I do not even wish my worst enemy.
But because of the different vaccinations, it is Russian roulette.
Some of them will get away unworn.
Incomprehensible that so many do not inform themselves and still believe in the mRNA gene treatment in these facts
I vaccinated four times with Comirnaty BioNtech and imagine I’m still alive. No SVT, no myocarditis etc. You mention here addiction Bhakdi, one of the worst Coronaleugners and conspiracy theorists there are. The fine professor, Ironie Off, is accused and hopefully sits behind bars soon. Even the University of Mainz, where he worked, retreated from him due to his difficulties. Statement by the University of Mainz on Sucharit Bhakdi: microbiology and hygiene/start page/registration archive.html
I don’t mind.
I see that too!
Information is a holocaust.
It is sometimes vital to inform yourself extensively!
Once a year, you should do that.
Before each decision, one should get comprehensive information, which sometimes protects against great damage.
Information is a debt!
I do. That’s why I’m gonna be insulting.
I don’t want to hope so.
O God, hopefully you only got the placebo character
Had three, I don’t want more
See a lot more rumours with my ears
Famos, famos.