Welche entgeltgruppe nach Ausbildung als Bankkaufmann?


wollte mal fragen in welche EG man nach der Ausbildung eingestuft wird, lese viele Sachen von EG 5, manchmal auch EG 4 oder EG6.

Was hattet ihr nach der Ausbildung?

Und wie lange dauert es üblicherweise bis man in den Entgeltgruppen aufsteigt?

Ebenfalls wollte ich wissen, wie das mit den Stufen abläuft, also wie viele Jahre bei Stufe 1,2 etc.

Danke im Voraus

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1 year ago

Some are out of stock with 30, others are still in TG6.

Highly depends on the job, training, commitment, work performance, promotion by executives and their own personality.

With private banks, TG4 is added to expensive cities TG 5. In poorer areas only TG 3.

1 year ago

After the bank training I was classified in TG4. But only 3 months later in TG5. After two years I got TG6. After that, due to my requesting activity, I was graded 1 TG every couple of years to TG9. With 31 years I came into an AT ratio and with 35 I became a procurer and then had 100,000€ gross in the year plus bonus, which was 2002. In 2007, I stopped working.

1 year ago

You can read this in the always valid collective agreement.

1 year ago
Reply to  DerBanker123

As I said earlier, you can’t say that on a flat-rate basis. We don’t even know your typhoon.

1 year ago

If you are “only” at the checkout, more in the service area then it is usually (!) TG 5. If you are an advisor, then idR TG6.

Private banks’ fees are also fixed according to professional years (the years of training are not included). You can only get out of the respective TG if you change the job. So if you do the same job for 20 years, you’ll stay in TG5 or TG6. If you continue to educate yourself and take higher responsibility, the tariff group will increase accordingly – depending on where the new place is then located internally

1 year ago
Reply to  DerBanker123

Continuing training is almost a duty at Sparkasse to keep the job. Everybody does. So you don’t get the career ladder much faster.