Which setting should I change so that the sky doesn't appear so bright?

Hello! This image is from a 4K video, 30fps, 100Mbs (Sony AX53). I've already lowered the exposure and highlights in Lightroom. What settings do I need to change beforehand to make the sky appear less bright?

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2 years ago

The shutter time (or shutter time, depending on the model and manufacturer) and/or the ISO.

2 years ago
Reply to  juliasmily248

I’m very happy to notice that I wasn’t very precise in my answer.

The closing time must be as short as possible, i.e. the displayed numbers must be as large as possible. 1/1000 is “better” than 1/100. But then everything becomes darker in the picture.

On the other hand, the ISO should be set as small as possible, as this brings about the digital brightening of the image. If necessary, the image quality of the video will deteriorate if the value is set higher.

2 years ago

that will always be the problem, because if the sky becomes darker by smaller aperture, the foreground will also become darker. Maybe you could light it up with lightning?

2 years ago
Reply to  gotik

This is a video, not a photo. Otherwise, of course you would be quite right:)

2 years ago
Reply to  Derzi


2 years ago

That’s a camcorder. With videos this is always bad because they generally do not have the dynamic range like a photo. And the AX53 does not offer any video features like S-Log.

So only way is to adjust the exposure a good bit darker. And in the post-processing then raise the shadows, which leads to quality reduction.

2 years ago

It’s just two ways.

Light the foreground artificially, with light or a light-reflecting surface.

Darken the sky with a flow filter, which works only with a fixed camera position and a straight horizon.