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5 months ago

I really advise you about these cheap “noname” drones since with these models the camera and also the flying characteristics are always disappointing. I am talking about the GPS connection or the general resistance to wind.

I would definitely recommend the DJI Mavic Mini. You will often get them via classifieds for less than 200 euros. The surcharge is always worth it.

I already had several drones (including one of the NoName owners) and was never disappointed by DJI.

I’ve flew several drones of DJI without any problems. It all went great. Then I tested a 150 Euro drone from Amazon and at the first wind blow the part hung despite built-in GPS in the tree.

Apart from the fact that if you don’t have any more interest in this thing at some point, you can just sell it again.

5 months ago
Reply to  Mogli333

If you have the budget I would take one of the air because they have a better battery life and are also more stable in the air. If you’re worth flying legally (if you don’t have a drone driver license) one of the mini series is also a good choice, as it is under the legal limit of 250g with 249g and you can fly it legally. If you are not afraid of being stopped by the drone police, I would take the Air 2 or just 3. above all because of the better stability in wind. I just didn’t have the technical details of the drones in my head since I gave up the hobby about 1-2 years ago, but I know that the “normal” Air 2 was at least a very, very good drone at that time. The Youtube channel Reveal Rabbit makes very good videos to the drones. Would you just keep me informed again 🙂

5 months ago
Reply to  Mogli333

The remote controls with the screen are rather valued for their price. The normal remote control would also have a screen, your phone. But if that doesn’t work much or you don’t always want to have it, the RC 2 (remote control with screen) is worth the money

4 months ago
Reply to  Mogli333

Best buy a DJI Mini 2. You don’t have a screen there, but you put your phone in and use it. It reaches 10km, realistic but more than 5. You have a 4K camera and 20 minutes flight time per battery.

5 months ago
Reply to  Mogli333

The 20 kilometers is the range that the drone can fly, not how far it can. If you flee over any big field, for example, you probably always see them, then you can also irritate the border. But if you flee somewhere where trees are you don’t always see them, that’s why you can’t take the 20 kilometers. I’m not sure about the noise, but in a radius between 100 and 200 meters you can hear nothing more

5 months ago

I just missed:

Flying DJI drones in the wind is almost as safe as wind stills. The drone uses GPS to detect the smallest movements that do not come from remote control and iron them out. Thus, the drone remains on the position to which it was finally actively flown, the whole to wind speeds of 36 km/h. So if no trees are shaking, the drone does not shake

5 months ago

Do with a favor:

Please don’t buy no name drones. Drones of DJI are quite expensive but keep eternal (without trees in the way) and have a very good quality. You could get the DJI Mini 2 SE or the Mini 4K, both are very good and relatively cheap drones. You don’t need a driver