Welche Drogen habt ihr schon probiert?

Ich weiß Zucker und Koffein z.B. sind auch Drogen aber das Zähle ich nicht dazu.

bei war es Alkohol, Cannabis, Ecstasy, LSD, DMT, Kokain, Amphetamine, DXM, Benzos, Mephedron, 3MMC, Phenibut, Pregabalin und noch paar andere Substanzen.

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2 years ago

Alcohol, cannabis, ecstasy, lsd, amphetamine, benzos and unintentional heroin because my speed was once stretched with it, but I don’t know if that counts

I have been clean for 6 months from all chemical substances 🙂

2 years ago

Is there anything you didn’t throw in?

No wonder you have mental problems!

As I see, you come from Bavaria!

Therefore also in a different post, the word “Fake” = (Schwein)

How about a withdrawal and a therapy so you can get your life on the line and don’t lie to your parents anymore!

2 years ago

My list: Alcohol, Tobacco, Cannabis, MDMA, LSD, Psilocybin, DMT, Cocaine, Amphetamines, Benzos, 3MMC, 2-oxo-pce, Ketamin, 2C-B, N2O, 2-FDCK, Salvia.

The only thing I had real problems getting away from was tobacco.

They seem to have a big cut.

2 years ago

I’ve been very similar to you. However, it was very fast dependent on speed and cigarettes and neglected other things. Since I always had the groundbreaking idea of being able to pull speed on alcohol, I realized myself as a junkie and stopped with everything.

This has been happening for almost 12 months. I don’t know if I’m always on alcohol, but I’ll never touch harder substances again.

Exceptions are psychedelics. When I’m old and mature enough, I’m definitely going to experiment with them, explore my mind, try to break up trauma or reach me resolutions.


2 years ago

Gras Alk Cocaine Ecstasy un probier jetz with antidepressants

2 years ago

Alcohol, cannabis, LSD (plus various derivatives, but they look very similar) , Psylocibin, DMT, 2CB, Kokain, Kratom, Phenibut, DXM, MDMA, MDA, DPH, HHC, Codein, Opium, Pregabalin, various benzos, Speed

List probably not complete. Maybe I’ll add something else to my mind.

2 years ago

Alcohol, tobacco and cannabis. I’m a addict and I’ve always been afraid of other drugs. Fear I like it. The dependencies are enough for me.

2 years ago

Alk, nicotine, weed, Speed, Xtc, 2cb, Benzos, Zolpidem, DMT, LSD, Pregabalin believe that was, more I don’t think a

2 years ago

So with me it’s cannabis, alcohol, ecstasy, and cocaine

2 years ago

No sugar is not a drug. Caffeine is one. And next to alcohol the only one I’ve ever tried.

2 years ago

Alcohol, DXM, Ritalin, Weed, Speed, Koks, 2CB, 4MMC, Meth, Molly, Keta, Tilidin, Xanax, Tavor, Seroquel, Opipramol, Heroin, DPH, Lyrica and Lachgas

2 years ago

Grass, alcohol, benzos, ecstasy and speed

2 years ago

Alcohol, Cannabis, Mdma, Ecstasy and Speed

2 years ago

Honest answer? Even though I had the opportunity