Welche Distanzscheiben für mein Golf 3 Cabrio?
wollte mal nachfragen, welche Distanzscheiben ich für meinen Golf 3 Cabrio aus 1994 brauche, bzw. wie ich das herausfinde. Habe Originale VW BBS Felgen drauf
(195/50 R15). Wär euch sehr dankbar!
Tire dimension brings you nothing you need the ET (pressing depth) of the rims and rim width.
Oh, that’s good to know, thank you.
but who you have already assembled you will see with free eye what track plates you want, depending on how far the rims should come out.
Okay, thanks, I’ve already helped!
No one. Track plates change the steering wheel radius and impair track stability during braking.
Well, look for spacers because that’s too narrow.
I know. I just wanted to point out that this deteriorates the suspension and influences the stability during braking. In the relevant forums you will find what is possible. At any rate, I recommend you to keep back while you can go back to the full.
I’m aware of that. If you want to change the box only to the same, it’s very good. In nem top condition had to get rid of it, but nobody wants to buy it. Thanks anyway.
What do you understand under “Spurplates”
My spacers, sorry.
None, for such games, such an old convertible is too bad In addition, you change the steering geometry disadvantageously
I don’t care, it’s my car and I can try it.