Welche dieser Städte wäre perfekt für eine Klassenfahrt?
Ich finde ja Prag und Amsterdam, da es sehr gut mit dem Bus erreichbar wäre. Was denkt ihr?
Ich finde ja Prag und Amsterdam, da es sehr gut mit dem Bus erreichbar wäre. Was denkt ihr?
Ich habe keine Ahnung wie das geht. Könnt ihr mir das bitte erklären? Was brauche ich alles um als Österreicher in Deutschland zu studieren?
Hi, ich wohne in Paderborn (NRW) und suche morgen einfach fürs lernen einen schönen ort mit viel natur da ich jetzt das 9 euro ticket habe.Am besten etwas nicht zusehr weit weg, da ich um 12 uhr los fahren möchte und auch 24 uhr zuhause sein möchte.Welche schönen natur orte gibt es hier so in…
Ich möchte bei meinem nächsten Urlaub Geld sparen. Ich bin jetzt schlauer als vorher was die Gegend Los Angeles angeht. Ich habe halt zum Beispiel viele Dinge nicht mehr besuchen können weil ich auch echt fertig war von 14 Stunden Action jeden Tag…wie kann ich also eine Reise besser planen? Es ist mein verzweifelter Hilferuf!
Ab september geh ich ein Jahr jede 2. Woche in die Berufsschule 1woche lang. Und ich hasse das heim dort ich esse da nie was und hab immer schnell heim weh. Was soll ich machen jeden tag um 5:14 bis 6:59im bus oder doch arsch aufreißen und in dieses schülerheim gehen. Meine Mutter arbeitet 20min…
Es sind ja nur noch ein paar Wochen bis Sommerferien und mein Notendurchschnitt ist 2,2 in der 8. Klasse am Gymnasium. Im Halbjahr hatte ich 2,5 also hab ich mich sogar verbessert aber trotzdem machen meine eltern übelst stress und sagen mir dauerhaft wie faul ich bin (vielleicht auch mal bedenken dass ich Depressionen habe…
My favorite town is Rome. A class trip should also be instructive and Rome has important architecture and arts from almost all eras. As the capital of the Roman Empire, it is also of interest.
Especially for school classes it is advantageous that there are many pedestrian areas in the center. This reduces the risk of accidents.
Prague is important for German history. The sights are within walking distance. I suspect that prices are more affordable in Prague, which should certainly play a role in a class trip.
Madrid would be more sensible with a cheap airline. But I would choose Barcelona in Spain. Barcelona has a beautiful small old town centre as a pedestrian zone and major architects and artsmen of the early 20th. Yearhunders have the most important works there.
Amsterdam would have been the fastest from Northern Germany. In the upper classes, one usually has national socialism and then the Anne Frank House and a ridge ride are offered. Madame Tussaud’s wax figure cabinet https://www.madametussauds.com/amsterdam/de/tickets-prices/ is then a meaningful addition. Amsterdam is only problematic if the class has drug problems, that could lead to annoying there because of the loose legal situation.
Stockholm would have to be seen how to get there cheaply. The city center is pedestrian zone, which I would always prefer during a class trip, but after a few hours everything is seen. After that, only excursions to the Scheeren and visits to museums, such as the Abba Museum. If it is a sports class, there are certainly many possibilities in the free nature of the environment, otherwise I think the very charming city offers too little for a class trip.
Paris offers a lot, but everything is very far apart. Everything would have to be organized with the metro. As a teacher, I wouldn’t trust this with a class. The city centre is run through many-lane streets, which is a risk of accidents with unattended pupils, who are constantly staring at their mobile phones. Paris is also relatively expensive and understanding is only possible in French. So if Paris, then only with a class where all French can. Then they realize how important foreign language skills are. This can then become very instructive. A trip to Fontainebleau, Versailles or alternatively Disneyland could be rounded off.
Paris is very beautiful and not too far away. Rome and Madrid are far away for a class trip. A good alternative to the above would be Vienna, Budapest or Copenhagen.
Rome from Munich are only 10h.
Vienna from Hamburg are 18h
You know what?
You shouldn’t live in Hamburg.
Germany is big. If you want answers, you have to write if you live in the north or the south.
Unfortunately, I have only experienced Hamburg at Schmuddelwetter, but you can now also have it in southern Germany.
So I found Hamburg nice. At least significantly more beautiful than Berlin or Frankfurt. But this isn’t the issue here, and it was only an example anyway to explain that DE is not only made up of Bavaria, as the answerant thinks.
You enjoy my pity.
Ahja. Say that to some 1.8 million inhabitants.
Why me? I’m not the Fs. But I just wanted to make you aware that you mean Rome is “wide away” but then places recommend that they are still further away (depending on the place of residence).
I find Rome great and was there for class travel (10th grade economic school). We didn’t drive the bus, but we flew. Compared to bus was not too expensive and completely within the frame what was set as an upper limit. It also makes a difference whether you drive 12 h by bus then overnight or you prefer only 1 – 1.5 hours by plane. It doesn’t always have to be the bus with cheap airlines there are cheap flights. Even if it were better from the environmental point of view to drive by bus.
By bus you would of course also be unbound on site and don’t have to get tickets for the ÖPNV and pay for even good attention to his stuff. As we were in Rome on a class trip, a fellow student was stolen in the U-Bahn of the purse
Rome is probably beautiful otherwise vllt Paris.
I was on a class trip in Madrid and it was the most beautiful of my whole school days!
If this has to be a year-round destination because you find it irrelevant when the class trip takes place, only Rome 🤷 ♀️
I thought florence so beautiful
Prague I find the most beautiful
We were in Rome then. Great.