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It kind of bothers me that still so many people do not consider the rules when it comes to big writing. Or make mistakes when you ask yourself how the person could write it wrong. For example, “scattered” instead of “picked”, I’ve really read that last time.
I am not the best in grammar or spelling myself.
“cocked” would actually be permissible.
I have a dog. I have a friend. I’m not hungry.
(so right would be a dog, a friend, no hunger)
Not only is the Dativ “being genitive” death, even the battery already weakens.
PS: and a question was here
Why do I always have brush, when the sun shines?
At first, I thought, what’s going on?
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To chalk pods, this purse!
“Sinn make” and “first”
what you say instead of making sense
“Sinn surrender” is right in German.
ah thank you
Sets that end with “… and yes”.
I am haha
the “first/first” Boaaaaa…..
haha the problem is that one hears so often that it has integrated into the German language
Yeah, that’s true, terrible ey… my eye starts to lick.
see that I take the speech errors from others
Not to be forgotten Deppenleerzeichen bei compound substantive
Yeah, they trigger me too, that’s right. Composita with spaces is not available in German. The more annoys me that Google Docs is trying to divide all newly created composites into two words with spaces.
*Leer sign 😋
Two more words that GoogleDocs would immediately suggest to separate. Well noted with spaces.
Yes, German is famous for its composition. One more! Here you can become the composition master.
No, I take the word in my personal dictionary and is good. But you can see how sweet the language adjustments are with Google Docs.
The new formation of composites is completely common. Massage time, massage experiences, massage room… almost everything wants to separate GoogleDocs.
Maybe you should just use something else. Just a thought…
What do you mean “trigger”? Each error is too much and in a text-based medium is also extremely unnecessary and avoidable, thanks to spelling and own error control before sending. And instead of admitting that you have made a mistake and ideally thank you for the correction, the people who were caught will be able to flip out verbally and come out with lame, transparent excuses.
My favourites:
“Margendarm” is funny. :
Often a -r- is inserted where none belong.
unnecessary angerisms 😉
People who write “otherwise” also hold “weighs” for the majority of cars.
it is also
is this dialect (Rheinland-Pfalz???)
It’s just garbage.
Yes, that is, of course, wrong, yet there are in some dialects.
In Luxembourg, “announced” (with -t) is a completely correct spelling. And some dialects in Germany (which sometimes resemble more or less the Luxembourgish) use this – sometimes also.
This -t is interesting, in Luxembourgish it is a neutral form (i.e. neither masculine nor feminine), there you say, for example,
onst Land (our country)
eise Bopa (our grandpa, our grandfather)
is Groussmamm (our grandmother)
And in the northern Saarland (here I was born) you sometimes hear
“annerscht” and “selvischt” (neutral forms of different and same).
Well, you know.
have I been reading this?
Please, Google.
google please
The majority of “weigh” is “weigh”.
Constructions such as “three badges” are wrong.
That’s right: “Three ambulances.”
Legal error
you are
“best”, “first” “more like”, “since/seid”
I have never heard
fortunately, one hears rarely:D
jup haha
you are
Set no records
oh yes
oh no