Welche deutsche Stadt passt zu mir?
Ich wohne in Freiburg und möchte in den nächsten 3 Jahren die Stadt wechseln.
Ich bin ein Typ, der gute Cafes, Dönerläden und Restaurants mag. Ich mag es ruhig und ich fände es gut, wenn es in der Nähe ein Flughafen gibt. Ein Ort, wo viele junge Menschen leben und wo Multikulti herrscht.
Cool question! With your preferences, these cities would come to my mind:
That would be my suggestions 🙂
Go to Munich.
Munich would be good for you, but it comes to the district. Neuhausen, Haidhausen or Schwabing would be suitable to find what you are looking for.
I don’t know how the question is yet, but if you want an alternative to the four million cities of Berlin, Hamburg, Cologne and Munich and want to have the same groove as in Freiburg, the answer is easy: Bremen. The Fribourg of the North, many bicycles, very multikulti, very young, my hometown, I met many Fribourgers in Bremen, and only after the first visit to Freiburg found why they like it in the north.
Outskirts of Berlin. Maybe in the east/southeast. You’ll find all this.
I thought this was just the case in Freiburg?!
It is also; You’re right!