Welche D-LAN Station bzw. Adapter ist mit der Vodafone Station kompatibel? Ich würde schon gerne etwas von AVM haben, bitte um Rat?

Ich suche einen passenden D-Lan Adapter für die Vodafone Station. Ich habe eine 100 Mbit Leitung und möchte diese so gut es geht in einem anderen Zimmer ausschöpfen, ohne ein Kabel durchlegen zu müssen.

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6 months ago

DLan is probably the worst way to get network from A to B. In doubt, a better Wi-Fi transmitter would be better if you have no steel walls or 7 layers of drywall.

But if you want to use the technology, you can use a set here:


6 months ago

Unfortunately, you get the best transmission only with a Lan cable.Dlan should not be used unless a phase coupler has been used in the UV. If you think that’s a filter in the power meter, it’s urban legend.

6 months ago
Reply to  Flips100

yes, great, only questioner has clearly stated that the cable is not moving. So my fress, just answer the question instead, as with the Windows 7 question, to answer and comment on something KOMPLETT other…that doesn’t bring a mess

6 months ago

everyone. D-LAN (devolo) is an independent network, has nothing to do with your router. You just need a free LAN port. But can only be guessed by D-LAN, you’re better off with nem-skinned Wlan repeater.

6 months ago

The can work at D-Lan (no matter which adapter) But 90% will not work at D-Lan. Therefore order adapter online.

in school notes is Lan 1, Dlan 4

2 would be an Accespoint solution. The or an old router/repeater. is connected to the router with a cable and can then send out Wlan.


On the subject of Fritz my 6 years ago bought Speedport makes 25m Wlan….and you can hardly hire it, a FB already. Customers called regularly because suddenly nothing goes… We said the customer broke his Fritzbox.