Welche cpu?
Hallo, Ich habe nur 30-50 fps in Call of duty MW3, ich habe eine Rtx 2060 Strix 6gb oc, trotzdem laggt es ich habe den großen Verdacht das es an meinem intel 10400f liegt der zu wenig kerne und Taktfrequenz hat, bitte hilfe
LG Vali😄🙏🏾
Hallo, Ich habe nur 30-50 fps in Call of duty MW3, ich habe eine Rtx 2060 Strix 6gb oc, trotzdem laggt es ich habe den großen Verdacht das es an meinem intel 10400f liegt der zu wenig kerne und Taktfrequenz hat, bitte hilfe
LG Vali😄🙏🏾
Ich würde gerne wissen wie dieses Kabel von meinem PC heisst, da ich denke das es defekt ist. Es war an eine LED Leiste vom Computer Gehäuse angeschlossen. Finde bei Amazon nur gleiche die auf der anderen Seite einen anderen Stecker aufweisen. Aber bei dem Kabel sind es ja 2 gleiche Verbindungen.
Ich denke mir die rx6800 kaufen aber von vielen Leuten auf tiktok höre ich das die driver schlecht sind und oft games usw crasht und ich könnte für denn preis eine rtx 4060ti holen aber die rx6800 hat halt mehr Performance für den selben preis was tun ?
Habe bo6 angezockt und in der 1. Runde geht immer der Monitor auf kein Signal aber pc läuft noch discord kann ich noch reden sehe einfach nichts
Ich bin am überlegen ob ich mir lieber die Burst Pro holen soll. Bei der Burst Pro finde ich die Tastenclicks nicht ganz so toll. Ich habe auch nicht vor zu abusen oder so etwas. Bei der Kain gefällt mir das Gewicht aber ganz gut.
Hi ich baue den Gaming pc ohne ein Gehäuse nur um kurz alle Updates zu machen, Jedoch wie man es sieht weiß ich nicht wo und was hingehört. Bitte helft mir
Hallo, Ich möchte mir meinen perfekten Gaming PC zusammenstellen und selbst bauen. Allerdings finde ich eine Sache komisch. Für das Netzteil habe ich nicht für das Asus 850G entschieden in schwarz. Mir wurde vorher aber gesagt das ich um meine Wasserkühlung laufen zulassen bräuchte ich 3 Mal CPU Fan Anschluss ( Wasserkühlung ist die Pure…
It’s just right:
Efficiency of the GPU.
– it’s about 99% then it’s the fault.
– she’s always under 90%, then another component is due. In most cases the CPU / RAM combination.
The best CPU for your chipset is an 11900k (ggf BIOS update required – or no 11. Gen Intel compatible. I would have to know your board – but as far as I know, there are only a few exceptions).
But as I said, pre-test how high the utilization of the GPU is.
Hello – I’m trying to list your periphery (is called “hardware” in the foreign language). Please write what has changed in the configuration of the components. With the additional information, you can upgrade your system a little (is called “upgrade/s” in the foreign language). We always start with the most important component:
The most expensive component, is & remains the GraKa! In summary, you can kick the RTX 2060 with only 6 gigabytes & the memory with only 16 gigabytes.
What we or I want to know is with what a resolution or what native resolution supports your screen/monitor etc.
If you didn’t understand or always wanted to know, just ask. Wrong, you can’t do anything.
Until the days.
So I didn’t want to study computer science now, I just asked what kind of cpu I can get myself so I can get my normal 120-180 fps…
These are compact information & did you even answer another one?! If you’re overwhelmed with it.
As I can see, you do not know your own motherboard & have not looked at anything on the manufacturer’s network side. On your currently used system, you cannot install a better or more powerful processor. I’ve already passed the processor list on the manufacturer’s network page.
Those who do not know their own system can no longer help. You have received any recommended information from me, further up in my main answer. I’ll classify you beginners! The shortcuts (which are called “link/s” in the foreign language) have been created for you. Thank you.
Until the days.
She had to deal with her own periphery. This forum is the wrong place for you! Besides, I wish you a lot of fun with your own wall, which you prefer, I don’t care.
Until the days.
Taken? No, that’s true to them, but if you talk to the wall for 30 times you don’t have to write a bock anymore
Aha – still taken. Whatever. Although I answered your question a few times, it was all for the cat!
Until the days.
I’m asking you, who of us is pulling this up?! They have gone to this question and have decided to write something, but nothing does it mean they are my sales manager because they are HERE DRAUF GEDRÜCKT HABEN SOGAR DEN TITLE WELCHE CPU? ALSO DISCUTIERE HERE NOT WITH MIR!!
What else do you want or I am not your sales consultant! All information is up! What allegations are you putting up?!
Once again (repeat), there is no power improvement processor than that installed in your motherboard! So, there’s nothing to buy!
Look at the network side of the manufacturer of your motherboard, which processors are supported!
You’re pulling this, artificially in length!
Until the days.
I understand more than my whole acquaintance of technology… only they tell me here the whole evolution of technology, I know what a mainboard is I know what a processor is what I know what a memory is I know what a power supply is I know what a graphics card is I know what a hard drive is etc. I’m not stupid, only they still haven’t understood my core statement, it’s about a short and tight purchase advice
Let yourself be advised by your own family, relatives, neighbors, well-known friends, etc., who definitely understand more like you.
Although I already wrote to you that there is no more suitable processor, repeat yourself with your own question. Apparently, you didn’t understand my previous answer either! From here I can only repeat myself!
Until the days.
No, they don’t understand the whole thing I just wanted to ask what I can buy for a cpu for many fps with the chipset LGA 1200