Welche Charakter kommen dazu Tokyo revengers?
Hallo, ich bin ein Riesen Tokyo revengers Fan seit dem ich damals die 1 Staffel geschaut habe. Ich habe nie die Mangas gelesen aber da jetzt die 4 Staffel „der bonten arc“ angekündigt wurde. Würde mich mal interessieren was für neue Charakter dazu kommen.
Most new characters like Kakucho, Izana etc. we already know from the Tenjiku Arc. Actually, no new ones are added, at least not in the Bonten Arc, except Takeomi Akashi, which will probably not have much screen time. In the following arcs there will be a few more new characters, such as Senju Akashi/Kawaragi, South Terano, Keizo Arashi (Benkei) and Wakasa Imaushi.
In the 4th season (Bonten Arc) some new characters come, including:
1. **Kakucho** – A member of Bonten who plays an important role in the action. He’s known for his skills in battle.
Two. **Kurokawa Izana** – A senior member of Bonten, who is a central figure in the conflict between the protagonists and Bonten. He has a complex relationship with Mikey.
3. **Emma** – Before not fully present, it could play a role in flashbacks or similar. (However, it should be noted that it was already introduced in previous arcs.)
4. **Mitsuya** – While he was not yet unknown, his character will be further developed in this arc. His relationship with others is also illuminated.
The characters and their interactions form a central point of history in the Bonten Arc. Have fun watching!
Since when is Izana a member of Bonten?
There are some new characters, as the Bonten-Arc represents a relevant time for the main characters in Tokyo Revengers. Among the most important new characters are:
There are other characters, but the spoilers cannot spoil you here.
Rat, Tinja and Ike