Which bus line in Ingolstadt is the longest?
Simply which bus line in Ingolstadt is the longest
Simply which bus line in Ingolstadt is the longest
I would be interested because there are many routes in Germany without electricity and so I wanted to know if there is a possibility to let ICEs or something similar run there which is fast
Good evening Based on your experience with the student monthly ticket, could you perhaps tell me whether you can also use it for bus travel? Likewise, whether trainees can also use this subscription. Because I would have to take the bus to my training center and the train to my vocational school. If that doesn't…
Hello I just wanted to book a Turkish Airlines ticket and since it is too expensive from Stuttgart I did it from Düsseldorf and my mother said that you can also take the train with the flight ticket so it is included. Is that correct or do I have to book it separately?
Trains are often swapped (not only at ODEG), so that at a station one train changes direction, i.e. travels back, and the oncoming train also changes direction. Passengers on both trains must change trains. The result: a delay of approximately five to ten minutes. But under what conditions is this done and why?
I've heard that as an employee of Deutsche Bahn you get discounts on travel, train journeys, etc.
Tipp: Viele Verkehrsverbünde haben Linienpläne. Bzw. die Linien die am längsten von einem Ende zum anderen brauchen, sind tendenziell am längsten, wobei man hier zwischen Innenstadt Stop’n’Go und Landstr. außerorts unterscheiden und ggf. im Routenplaner nachmessen muss.