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Whatever, but try no.2
The only thing that tastes me at McDonald’s is the Big Tasty Bacon, everything else tastes like cardboard.
Burger King personally tastes 100x better
No one! I like burgers, but full-quality, and I’m just getting that made myself! It doesn’t matter if it’s with a biomeat paddy, a vegetarian paddy or even completely vegan!
Delicious and healthy.
No more.
Too expensive. I had to hand over from the last one because the meat was funny. Cook yourself and healthy. At Mc’s prices, 2 days of..
No one, McDonalds is unhealthy and the foods are not actually suitable for consumption.
The Big Rösti. It doesn’t really taste, but better than the others.
I had the last acceptable burger about 11 years ago. Garden burgers or the name, with fresh cucumbers and so on. He wasn’t bad.
Very, very rare I buy Burger. But if they do, then they with cheese!
The BigMac, there’s nothing going to change.
BigMac <3
The Big Rösti.
They all got too small. Therefore: No more!
Fish burgers
The Hamburgers
99cent-Burger! ♥