Welche Blumen/Pflanzen wachsen da überhaupt?
Ja, diese Ecke kriegt fast nie Sonne, nur abends ein/zwei Stunden. Da wächst also fast nix außer Knollen-Pegonie sagte die Mitbewohnerin. Hat Jemand noch ne Idee ? P.s.: Auf der Wiese dahinter wachsen kaum Primeln, das Meiste ist vermoost.
There are many plants, and also some edible ones that feel really comfortable in the shade.
Moos likes shadow and likes to take over. Raise the ground. Couple examples.
For consumption: beard, forest master, forest strawberries, black elder.
Ornamental plants: sparkles, ferns, autumn anemonies, tubers.
Oats: Ove.
Also have such an unfavorable long-term shading site thanks to neighbors, who has attached his visual protection too tight and far too high despite the south side. Trouble me about it, but don’t want any stress, and it’s good for my waste tones. Well, then I’ve been thinking about the plants. The prosperous. At the moment, I’m harvesting beard liquor and making it from forest master Limonade. I never have to pour this spot.
All that has large dark green leaves is a good candidate.
Thank you.
Pay attention to soil consistency and soil pH when selecting plants