Welche Bibshort ist euer Favorit?
Hallo zusammen.
Ich habe mir vor circa 4 Monaten ein Rennrad gekauft. Da ich gerne längere Strecken fahren will brauch ich eine neu Radhose. Bisher hatte ich eine alte Gonzo die aber ab 40 KM sehr unangenehm wird.
Welche Marken könnt ihr empfehlen?
Vielen Dank im Voraus
It’s never after brands!
It’s about your popo.
Also with Gonzo, Pearl Izumi, Gore and Nonames I am.
And (!) I have already rejected or exchanged brand pants.
Recently I had ordered a brand-carrier pants (short) as usual in size “M” (I never order) I had to return – which I hardly got over my calf…^^^
At the moment I wear changing brands and noname, my routes are always 40 to 70 km, I have no problems. I hope you don’t wear underwear (?).
No, I don’t wear underwear.
This means simply try out which best pigeons and the known manufacturers are not always the best!?
LG Nedes
This is my personal experience.
Last example from my sorry experience. I’ve been wearing short-sleeved undershirts of the XY brand for decades. Recently, one was due again, ordered at XY and behold, I have never had such a wet undershirt. Actually, it should be the same thing I always had – it was more expensive but crap.