Welche Berufe gibt es im einfachen Dienst?
Ich habe im Internet nur veraltete Antworten gefunden.
Was sind die Voraussetzungen um im Öffentlichem Dienst auf der untersten Laufbahn (einfacher Dienst) zu arbeiten?
Welche Berufe im einfachen Dienst gibt es noch?
Judgment NRW still employs officials in category 1.1 (formerly a simple service) or comparable employees:
The courts are regularly open to posts. In this case, the recruitment takes place first as a collective employee before the civilisation takes place at a later time.
In addition to the conditions for the transport of goods, the following shall be provided:
Copy: Current job ad of the LG Köln:
There is usually no more, most simple activities like in school kitchen.
In Saarland and Brandenburg there is the four-track career system.
Every federal state has the simple service. Still, there’s hardly any place.
So what? Of course, they don’t hire anyone in a simple service just because it’s in the civil servant’s laws.
However, in the NRW judiciary, civil servants are still regularly hired as a judiciary officer in the 1.1 category (e.g. a simple service) or comparable employees as a judicial assistant.
No one. Who should need office messengers or beam pawns?
Public service ≠ officials.
Tax payable by:
“Simplified Service” and “Rules of Runs” exist only as a term from officialship.