Welche Behandlung bei knorpelschaden?

Hallo ich bin 16 Jahre alt und weiblich

ich hatte im Jahr 2023 einen Unfall wo ich vom Auto angefahren würde hatte Knieschmerzen habe mich aber nicht untersuchen lassen ging nach 2 Wochen weg. Dann hatte ich ein Fußball Unfall vor 7 Monaten habe mir Innenband gerissen hatte Knorpelschaden grad 2 und plica Syndrom. Ich wollte fragen:

  1. Wie merke ich das der knorpelschaden schlimmer geworden ist?
  2. was sind Symptome ?
  3. Welche Behandlung wird bei Jugendlichen vorgenommen?

danke im Voraus ihr Lieben

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1 month ago


A cartilage damage gets worse when you have more pain, especially when moving, the knee cracks or hurts and it gets swollen or stiff. Typical symptoms are also instability or the feeling that the knee blocks. Young people are often treated with physiotherapy, anti-inflammatory drugs and cartilage therapies such as hyaluronic acid injections. It is also possible to protect the knee and, if appropriate, an arthroscopy. Make sure your knee is checked regularly to detect a deterioration early.


1 month ago
Reply to  Majdanjan

The crunching and blocking after prolonged lying could indicate the cartilage damage. It can be caused by uneven pressure distribution on the cartilage. Let your knee examine regularly ^^

1 month ago

How do I notice that the cartilage damage has become worse?

It hurts

What are symptoms?


What treatment is done for young people?

Depends on the extent of the damage. Mostly wait until the bone has grown. If the damage is very large, it is possible to remove cartilage tissue, after-breast cells and subsequently perform a transplant. But that’s a bigger operation.