Welche Bedingungen müsste ein E-Auto erfüllen, damit ihr es kauft?
Auf technischer, emotionaler, finanzieller …….. Basis.
Auf technischer, emotionaler, finanzieller …….. Basis.
Für wen ist ein rx 8 zu empfehlen und für wen nicht? Ich habe ein Budget von bis zu 6000 € und will einen Wagen, den man nur selten auf der Straße sieht. Ich habe paar mal meine Meinung geändert und wurde jetzt gerne wissen, wie es mit dem rx 8 aussieht. Alternativ könnt ihr…
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My car actually combines technical and emotional criteria, such as acceleration values, comfort and all conceivable assistance systems, so that at the end I looked beyond the financial burden and chose the BEV. He was almost in full version in the catalogue, I only had to make a cross with the tinted discs and a few small things.
Now I’m almost one and a half years on the go and don’t want to go back to a burner.
Thank you for your thanks!
… and thanks for the beautiful star! 🌟☺️
because of point 1, an e-car is not at all in question for me at the moment, except that I cannot afford it financially.
It is always interesting which hurdles are built. If you have a car, how does the energy come in today, the fuel?
Depending on the model, the other points are already fulfilled either by manufacturer guarantees or by statutory requirements.
Burner cars don’t have the replacement guarantee???? Although they are well noticed 6x more susceptible to fire – and I don’t understand your first point – how far wireless charging is easier to install than a charging column
Because I park at home on the street must: and I can’t install a charging column there.
If there is a wireless shop where the pavement can lie between car and land on which there is the “infrastructure”, then it would be an option.
but why is wireless charging then possible? it also needs infrastructure at the parking lot
Only if a burner has been installed. A car needs sound and real. No gay sound generator.
Welcome to the 19. Century.
Yes, the engines were invented. And the corresponding attitude propagates.
At least the range of a combustor, even in long motorway rides with fast driving mode and charging, may not take much longer from 5% to 100% than in a normal tank operation.
Measuring the charging time from 5 to 100 is total nonsense – the range between 80-100% is the one at which each battery (also a cell phone battery, for example) is most inefficient. on long distance it makes a lot more sense to load only to 80%. A battery is not like a liquid tank.
After the personal criteria were asked and I answered that. I did not write that it already allows the technology or that everything is already possible. Ready.
I don’t think you listen to me. It makes no sense to change that. The range of an electric car does not depend on this 20%. It would be more useful (which is why it is so) that it takes care of the general range; even though we already come to points where many with burners catch up – but this is another thing
Jaaa, that’s right. That’s why I wrote that this should be changed. How’s my wumpe?
It doesn’t work and doesn’t have to work. As said, having a full battery brings you much less in an electric car than in a burner. It’s the maximum feeling to be full. The range with 80 and 100% differs only slightly.
But just like the burner, I want to get rid of a full tank and not just fill it up to 80%. And if the last 20% are currently sucking at a battery, then it still needs to be done.
I didn’t say that either. I’m just saying that measuring the loading time doesn’t make any sense. also in comparison to the burner. the time from 5 to 100 says very little about the real loading time, that I meant
For me, the first electric car that bought had to meet the condition that it is suitable to cope with the daily commuting distance in summer and winter and meets modern safety standards ABS, ESP, airbags. I was willing to have this even cost a little more than a burner at the end, after considering the loss of value and all costs, it was even cheaper. I had the car from 2018 to 2021.
I’m more demanding. The car must have all-wheel drive, our 1,800 kg caravan can pull and I only take a brand with a good workshop on site. In addition, I am very keen to have the equipment.
Both the Mercedes EQA I had until January and my current car fulfill this.
It’s hard to say and in the end it’s easy.
In the end, the overall package has to fit my current requirements and needs.
The price is not unimportant, but I’m out of the corner that I don’t like certain things because the car is cheap.
I write my current dream car:
VW ID.3 GTX with 800V system.
So VW or just comparable concept is already very close. Until then, I will move in the compromise area.
It should be cheaper than right now!
First, prices would have to be reduced a little. for us a combination would be desirable but as an electric it cannot pay for a normal person. The price also rises by the expensive battery as soon as you want to have a little more range. I would be happy with ECHTEN 300 km range but these must be real and not calculated in the laboratory on the paper. Talk about normal driving and even if there is a charge, the climate is running or the heating is in winter. And since you always say you should operate the battery between 10 and 80%, this range must be already present here and not until I use the missing 30% on the paper.
the second point is then the optics. I feel electromobility is only ugly. From the outside, however, many models leather no longer go for my taste. No more levers and switches prefer a huge touch display that goes across the entire front. I’m sorry that’s nothing for me, but that seems to hit the taste of the majority, otherwise that wouldn’t sell.
the last point would be to load it. The whole thing is just too complicated at the moment and takes me too long. I live in the country I can easily install a wallbox and use own pv power, but also drive further routes. In the city you are already more dependent on public charging. Why do you have to register for 100 operators and buy the electricity so expensive that the burner is almost cheaper? And then wait until loaded and park again. Should I drink my coffee for 5 euros in the second two times or how to imagine it.
that would be my points that stop me from buying an electric car and I guess that won’t change either. Almost every day you read any news that the breakthrough was invented at the battery but has happened on the market not much I find.
Then wait two more years.
I doubt these are then much cheaper or at the battery or a lot will have done to the store.
also the design will not find the old shape again, as it is probably modern and cheaper to clap everything with screens.
There’s the trend towards the switch and down price.
It would have to be a real E car, not an E car relocated to the stromer.
It should also have buttons for the most important radio toions.
Well, I already have one. Range of 250km is easy for the daily working path of 2x 20km. Eight years warranty up to 100,000km on the battery also has…
I’m tired. Soon, however, the contract should also expire with the leased gasoline and then comes a hybrid (ca250€/month)
Definitely CO2-neutral. Now things are the purest bleeding.
Where did you get the idea?
Manufacture, refuelling with coal stream or even better with diesel generators
The production is hardly different to burners the refueling takes place almost without coal flow or diesel.
Place for 3 adults
A combination
300 km range
There must be sufficient ground clearance in order to also drive on unconsolidated roads.
A trailer coupling
Range at least 600 kilometers, charging time at least 10 minutes.
It’s not even utopian.
+; Charging facility at the house who you live for rent
There are some
https://www.adac.de/rund-ums-fahrzeug/electromobilitaet/laden/fast-load long-distance charging curves/
None because I would never and under no circumstances buy an e-car.
There’s nothing about the smell of gasoline and the rich sound of a high-engined burner!
What vehicle?
BMW E61 525i Touring, 160 kW/218 hp from 05/2009 and BMW E46 330Ci convertible, 170 kW/231 hp from 06/2005.
The convertible with full equipment and switch, the tour also with very good equipment and automatic.
There’s nothing about smooth, hexagon cylinders.
Cheaper price, faster charging greater range, more beautiful design.
Well, there’s good progress. Where are your lines?