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10 months ago

You want to harvest something or just have a nice eye-catcher?

As an eye-catcher, I find great hazelnuts: a gold bowl and a purple bowl, between them room for a covered bench. A beautiful green hazel or another shrub to round off the seat island?

The gold husk is 3 to 4 m high, carries nuts and retains its beautiful coloring until the end of the year.

Blood corkscrew looks like this:

And great also a mourning chalet under which you can sit protected:

Source for everything

In the autumn you will fight Visit, and depending on who is faster, harvest all the nuts! ♧♤♧

Maybe you like my suggestion.? metabolites

10 months ago
Reply to  Spielwiesen

☆☆ Many thanks for the star! ☆

10 months ago


as always, when working with nature, the strict law of the local applies:

Is this a particularly warm region with you, or a particularly cool one?

Is your garden cool and humid or sunny and dry?

Due to the location of special late frost hazard?

A light, low-mineral sandstone, or heavy clay, or bright limestone?

All these are factors that you should know and judge best on the spot before you could make a sound recommendation. Maybe you’ll find someone on site who knows. Another recommendation: look at what’s in the neighborhood, what’s growing well, and choose what you like.

With more precise knowledge of the local conditions there would certainly be a lot of possibilities without saying much: The poplars mentioned several times are usually so stressless that they work practically everywhere, but can really become very large, are not real ornamental oils and have a quite short life expectancy. The precipitation which is then necessary is often problematic because of the dimensions. Rather, I would recommend birch, which are similarly unpredictable, also very fast-growing in youth, but at least I find them pretty, and they do not make the problems when they have to be liked at some point. Personally, I always find fruit trees good, just when you have a large garden, but it depends on what is possible with you…

10 months ago
Reply to  Pomophilus

As a further factor, underground watercourses and distortions are added which, due to their energetic influence, only allow certain vegetation. keyword: Radiation seekers – Radiation refugees. This experience is constantly…

10 months ago

fast growing

Fast growth is not always good. It can also be that such a tree grows over your head quickly – even in the sense of transmission.

I think Hainbuchen is very beautiful. They often grow as hedges, but also as a tree very beautiful. And they’re domestic.

10 months ago
  • Apple baeume, beautiful appearance over the years, fruit use, oecologically adventurous (bore, plum, cliche, walnut and noble catanie – if the climate is warm enough eager)
  • At the Zaun vineyard, lasting stability important (tafelobstl, getraenke processing, jam), rapid visibility in summer
  • Depending on the place individual ornaments with herbivory effect yellow / red -> Amurahorn, sugar maple, birdberry, vinegar tree treiibts eagle and claims flaeche
10 months ago

I’d plant fruit trees. In spring flower splendour and in autumn delicious fruits.

10 months ago

Poplars grow fast Yes, and grow has no benefit. to donate long shadows except in the age,

My beech ball I excavated as an infant at my lake at my home with a knife longer the drive was not. They grow well.

If there’s something else, a wild rose can be free in the lawn. If they’re full of blossoms, you have a bridal dress in the garden. You always have to mow under it.

You better plant fruit trees. Fruit shrubs.

10 months ago

Is not a real tree, but bamboo grows very fast

10 months ago

Bamboo should only be planted where you can go with the trek to tear him away later. That’s a devil.

Alternatively: with rhizom lock.

10 months ago

Poplars shoot up. But otherwise have no value.

10 months ago
Reply to  Muktamani

Right. It can also be forgotten as firewood. 🙈

10 months ago
Reply to  Muktamani

Poplars are grown as ‘feeders’ for biogas plants.

10 months ago
Reply to  Spielwiesen

I know. That’s in my answer. I merely answered the question in mind – the other proposals are, of course, far more correct.

10 months ago

You can contact me through messages, but I think our cultural contributions are so bad that they would not be enrichment. You can stop it. 😎🤩👋

10 months ago

Boah as great! ☆♧☆ Thank you – I have to go there too. With me, Reimen works very well with red wine (proteinda I even make multilingual Limericks☆) – but it is still too early, so please some patience.

10 months ago

In times when all our forests are ruined,

If fir trees and spruce, also beech, die us,

I see the slim and high-ranked trees

And also their similar (da)interspaces

With other eyes and awakening view

The grows so painful – one meter in the piece

Enjoy us with your foliage nipple

I’ll sing the song here for our poplar…

10 months ago

So time for an ode to the poplars, as long as there are still fossils as we can. A poem?

10 months ago

On river banks, I always found them fascinating. But there was a poplar death. You don’t see them more often.

10 months ago

Oh, where was right! Otherwise we could never have exchanged so nicely!

Poplars also have poetic potential! The leaves ‘batter’ and tell stories. And look very attractive about landscape design!

As far as my knowledge is concerned.

10 months ago

Is there another one? We had 5 (!) poplars in the garden in the youthful Wahn decades ago. That was a drama until they left.

I already have a bad conscience that I have given this answer at all.

10 months ago

Yes, your ‘have no value.’ triggered my answer. The value of a poplar could be considered differently…. ! 🙂

10 months ago

Maple is ideal, except if you want fruit.

10 months ago
Reply to  uhyrius

You can pick up some fruit, I heard.