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2 years ago

You need 2 Sony Murata VTC5A batteries.

2 years ago

no batteries -> batteries

and for what device? There are many models with the most diverse requirements on the batteries.

After the picture I would tap 18650s.

2 years ago
Reply to  melke732

there is also normal no one to buy the MUST extra if there is no fixed battery in it.

2 years ago

garkeins, they’re just on the batteries if you want to solder them to a battery pack…

Just find out what I’ve linked you… they’re all good. With NKON the cheaper, but shipping is not so fixed.. and usable chargers do not necessarily have the… Battery parts has charger and also the batteries… just a little more expensive…

2 years ago

No… they can’t take. They should not fit in because the nit PCBs are a little bit longer than the unprotected without PCBs.

The PCB is a small electronic board mounted under the cell and on which a few protective functions are played. And you don’t need these protective features because they’re already in the battery carrier, and if you have 2 different protective systems now, you’re just messing them up… what you have. are great flashlight batteries because in flashlights there’s no protective electronics…

Look… you need these.

And since you have 2 batteries in the device, an external charger is installed sooner than later, like one of them here, because the charging radio of the battery carriers is not made for permanent charging in the device… and unfortunately the USB ports are often not.

2 years ago

The VTC5A?

2 years ago

I don’t think so. So you can buy at least the batteries that are safe and do not depend on what the manufacturers add…

I once bought a battery carrier MIT attached battery – that was the cheapest one that was just like that and another one that did not even exist in DE (still)… he has never prevailed because there were clearly better cells and there are 🙂

2 years ago

Nee… if the battery isn’t fixed, there is (almost) never one… that one is put on it is quite rare…

2 years ago

ok… but the seller should’ve told you about it… or he thought you knew…