Welche Basics als Kaufmann für Büromanagment?

Ich will die Ausbildung als Kaufmann für Büromanagment anfangen, und mich im Februar bewerben die Ausbildung beginnt am 1. September 2025. Nun will ich wissen welche Begriffe ich wissen sollte und welche Fähigkeiten ich brauche. Ich hab in Mathe nur in Linearen Funktionen, Volumen und Trigonometrie schwierigkeiten, Dreisatz, Prozentrechnen und Grundrechenarten kann ich relativ gut. Und habt ihr Tipps für ein gutes Bewerbungsgespräch?

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4 months ago

For a training 2025, one usually acquires one year before (especially large companies end their apprenticeships often until December). When you start with applications in February, it’s very late.

All you need to know, you will learn during training.

Mathe as a pure subject is not available at the vocational school. The material of the middle stage is required, and this can be found in accounting (booking).

Here Tips for the VG…(where, depending on the company, one has to pass an adjustment test)…

In advance, read the HP of the company, if available.

I didn’t get catches, everyone was very nice and I was excited too.

Even the typical strength weak questions did not come. However, you should always prepare for this so that you can specify a few weaknesses in addition to your strengths. You have to sell them well, for example, I would have said that I am handcrafted and have a bad sense of orientation (not interested in this profession).

I briefly presented myself with my data, in which class I am, what I do according to my hobby and that I also have two honorary offices there. Then the rest comes.

What is important: At the beginning, give everyone (no matter how much there are) the hand, look at them and say your name.

The following questions were asked:

Why this company?

What do you know about us?

Why this profession?

How do you imagine the training?

At the end, say goodbye to everyone by hand, thank you for having invited you and taking time to meet you.

AND… in the end, you should ask your own questions, so you can express your interest:

What is the training? Which departments do I run? Permanent contact? Can you shorten the training? Takeover opportunities? Where and how vocational school? Training opportunities? Voluntary internship? When do I get it?

1 month ago

There is a free and personal career advice from the Federal Agency for Labour: Professional consultancy of the Agency for Labour | Federal Agency for Labour

4 months ago

You can find everything important under: http://www.berufenet.de read.

In commercial occupations, the basic calculations are sufficient.