Welche Barfuß Städte?
ich würde echt gerne wissen, welche Städte aus eurer Sicht die besten sind zum barfuß laufen und in welchen Städten ihr die meisten barfüßigen gesehen habt 🙂
hier ein paar deutsche Städte, aber ihr könnt gerne noch andere dazu schreiben, gerne auch welche aus dem Ausland.
Ich freue mich auf eure Antworten 🙂
It’s almost everywhere but it doesn’t stop me from walking barefoot in every city.
Here are some city tests to read:
I have seen the most barefooted people in South Africa, but here I must have asked for German cities. In Freiburg and Cologne, one meets most of the m.E., where I was in Freiburg.
I live in Berlin and here you can see quite often other people running barefoot in summer. Of course, Berlin isn’t exactly the cleanest city but that doesn’t bother me at all. Now in autumn /winter, unfortunately, I see much lesser someone walking barefoot.
I always run barefoot no matter when and where.
“Other” because “man / woman must always be in the right place at the right time to see others so^ … But Freiburg is already cool, was there in September and still saw two others so, although no more water ran in the watercourses … From Jena, for example, I can say that one there usually always encounters a barfuss; also owed to the many students who are there and are cool on it.
I heard that Cologne and Nuremberg should be good. I don’t know how that’s true. Never been there.
I have never experienced a city in the 17 years that I run barefoot.
Berlin I found mega cool, but actually every city is a barefoot city 🙂
Freiburg is the capital of Germany: On average, the highest temperatures, many students and then the brooks, you just pull your shoes off:D
Freiburg is not the region where I live. But you hear that Freiburg is probably a very barefoot friendly city.
For me, all cities are barefoot friendly 😇
Well in Berlin or Frankfurt, I don’t want to walk barefoot
Why not?
That everything is supposed to be full of splashes in Frankfurt, I have already heard and therefore looked around in a targeted way, but not found.
I’ve never happened before and I’ve always run barefoot everywhere.
Are they so much? 😳 then I don’t want to live 😳
Weis ned, will ned rise on a syringe
in the city it is not so good
I did not notice a city, from the climate I think Freiburg and Heidelberg.
A paradise for barefoot fans.
Pretty cool temperatures are up to date. In Berlin you don’t have to freeze barefoot as you walk in warm cots.
And if you’re lucky, you even get on a funny looking syringe, and then you can go more positively through life 😍 gives nothing more positive than being hiv positive
Cottbus and Magdeburg
In the bush in Africa, they don’t know any shoes and you don’t get up.
Hammer strength