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1 year ago

As an Azubi does not cost you a current account and the accounts’ services are identical to all banks, you should look for a bank on site with a good offer of ATMs.

1 year ago

My standard answer:

There are over 1000 different banks and savings banks in Germany.

However, since most of them have only one regionally limited business area, this question can hardly be answered without knowing which of them are in question for you at all.

Only a few banks are represented throughout Germany, including Commerzbank, Deutsche Bank, Postbank, Santander and Targobank. In addition, there are various direct banks where you can handle your business by phone or online, and in principle the location does not matter.

And, of course, it also depends on your requirements, which bank is suitable for you.

1 year ago
Reply to  Rolf42


Most banks and savings banks offer a free current account for pupils, trainees and students, which includes all essential functions. Therefore, it is usually not an error to open its first current account at a bank or savings bank that has a branch in a reachable location. (The opening of an account with a direct bank is not so easy for minors anyway.)

If you then have collected your first experiences with this account, and if you have found that you are not satisfied with this bank or savings bank, you can still switch to another bank later. The opening of a current account is not a decision by which you determine in the long term, a change is possible in the short term and with little effort.

1 year ago

Sparkasse, commerzbank, are good. Divide with high filials. Unfortunately, volksbank is not good. That’s why I guess.

have now 10 accounts. That’s why I have a little experience.

1 year ago
Reply to  Zombie935

There are hundreds of different savings banks and hundreds of different Volksbanks with different offers, conditions and service, so I consider such flat-rate statements problematic.

1 year ago
Reply to  Zombie935

Aha, and you also have an account with the Volksbank at the residence of the FS that you can judge that it is not good?

1 year ago
Reply to  archibaldesel

My mother has. And sparkasse is better in all matters

1 year ago

I don’t know how your circumstances are and what you want to earn – from my point of view I would contradict the previous recommendations.

Look, which Giro is best for you (even later after the training). Advice is hardly necessary unless you want to make “businesses” and the costs for the Giro can be quite different and different criteria can have influence on it (monthly entrance/office etc…) look at a few candidates who come into question more precisely and look for something more favorable – I guess on a la “Noris Bank” or the like.

1 year ago

We have been with the local savings banks

1 year ago

I’ve been at Sparkasse for 45 years and never had any problems.

1 year ago