Welche Badehose würdet ihr eurem Partner empfehlen?
Ihre spärliche (oder nicht vorhandene) Mimik legt das für mich nahe. Oder verbergen sie immer sehr viel? Gibt es Forschungsarbeiten darüber?
Mal angenommen ihr lernt jemanden kennen und habt direkt das Gefühl euch schon ewig zu kennen. Weil irgendwie alles passt. Wie bezeichnet man sowas und was gibt es da für Gründe?
Ich, m/18 schwul war schon auf ein paar CSDs. Leider bin ich immer alleine rumgelaufen und hatte nie wirklich Spaß dabei. Dieses Jahr würde ich gerne in Dresden und Berlin gehen. Hat jemand Ideen wie ich eventuell mit ein paar Leuten zusammen hingehen kann?
Ich bin eine AE Mama und auch meine Beziehung nach der Ehe ist nun gescheitert. Ich hatte viel zu tun früher mit Arbeit und Freund. Nun sind die Kids 5 Klasse, weniger Arbeit, kein Freund und auch keine Freundinnen. Ich habe 4 halbe Tage frei und die Abende allein zuhause wo die Kids schlafen. Ich…
Diese Frage geht nur an diejenigen, die sich im Raum Wiener Neustadt oder/und Lanzenkirchen auskennen. Ich würde wissen wieso Lanzenkirchen, ein Ort mit 4.140 Einwohner (oder mittlerweile schon mehr), so wenig Geschäfte, Freizeitaktivitäten usw. hat. Bad Erlach (Nachbarsort mit 3.196 Einwohner) oder andere kleinere Orte haben viel mehr. Noch eine Sache, der Bahnhof in Lanzenkirchen…
Hi ich bin 18 Jahre alt und habe große Ziele für meine Zukunft. Ich gehe zur Zeit noch in die Schule und schreibe nächstes Jahr mein Abitur. Mein größter Traum ist es meinen bachelor in Psychologie zumachen und anschließend meinen Master in den Neurowissenschaften. Das menschliche Gehirn, die neuronalen Netzwerke, alles zu dem Thema entwickelte…
Depends on what you want: plan in the water and swim or swim athletic. If the latter is to remain only the bath slip.
Scabbershorts don’t go. Not beautiful and completely impractical.
In addition to bathing slips, there are still bathing retroshorts and jammers, which also look very nice and some are better than bathing slips.
I like slips better. But it’s all his personal choice.
So my training partner from the lifeguard wanted me to wear tight slips, with high cut edge, but she also agreed to wear sporty string bikini for me:D
In a good figure, bath slips look just 1000 times better. My friend wouldn’t think I’d wear anything else. He, in turn, does not necessarily wear it because of me, but because he finds it most convenient and is not used to anything else.
The result surprises me. For about 15 years ago, my wife and son insisted that I buy shorts. The panties are completely outdated. Nobody wears that anymore. And in fact, I was quite alone with it in Switzerland on the beach. When I made a triathlon, of course, everyone wore a bath slip. With the shorts you need to press your legs together when jumping head if you don’t want to get naked out of the water. If you swim quickly, they slide. Not bad. But my wife was on it.
Somehow, however, this result is deceived. Here the slips clearly have the overnumber but if you go to the sea or to the swimming pool you only see shorts
If I can only choose between these two swimsuits, then in any case the second (the swim brief). Personally, I would recommend a swimwear with the cut of a narrow boxer shorts, but this is not available to me here.
The swim shorts are not suitable for real swimming and look lächerlcih, so clearly the bath slip.
Are more sporty and show what you have
These shorts I find so creepy that a man who volunteers this would never raise my interest.
I wear myself sometimes even though I’m a girl. See also, I think, better
When you swim, not only is the bathing slip, I don’t know how to get on that.
Personally, when I was active at the time when I was in power (young people)
such trousers are worn (and everyone does it – but of course they are made of certain substances etc. )
Is just better suited for swimming and looks more chic.
I would prefer if my friend like me wears a swim shorts, unfortunately he was in his home performance swimmer on junior level and state champion there he was dressed up wearing bath clips.
It looks so squeezed and uncomfortable. I don’t want to do that to my Willy downstairs.
Slips are for children iwie
Normal swimwear for every old lol
To 100%.
You don’t have to tie your Easter eggs on your nose…
To the happiness my friend wears these.I find the others give so opa vibes💫 💫 and my opinion also ugly
I find the second more spready, the other is not a proper swimwear, as there are also people walking around in town.
There are also older people wearing bikinis who now give off Grandma vibes for you?
What’s that comparison? I personally rarely see old men going to swim with swim shorts, just as rarely see young men doing this
Dear picture 1, ey picture 2 would be the hell that wouldn’t even wear it voluntarily.
Uniquely the swim shorts
None of them, the Borat swimsuit is the only true one!
I would recommend swimmingshorts