Welche Badehose tragt ihr/ welche ist am besten?
Moin Jungs,
welche Badehosen tragt ihr? Und welche meint ihr ist am besten? Wäre über eine ausführliche Antwort sehr dankbar.
Moin Jungs,
welche Badehosen tragt ihr? Und welche meint ihr ist am besten? Wäre über eine ausführliche Antwort sehr dankbar.
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ist das nicht komisch die unterhosen von schwester aufzuhängen? hab keine aber nur so
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Hey leute..Ich habe ein dickes Problem. Ich habe die Unterwäsche meiner Schwester ein mal anprobiert da diese mir vom Stoff her echt gefallen haben, daraufhin konnte ich diese nicht mehr in ihr Fach zurücklegen.. Die Unterhose war jetzt bestimmt eine Woche bei mir versteckt und sie stinkt wirklich unglaublich ekelhaft… Habt ihr eine Idee wie…
Wo tut ihr eure Wäsche aufhängen zum trocknen? Ich wasche es im feinwaschprogram und somit ist es immer noch ziemlich nass.
If I had to fix myself, then low waist or bath slip. Wear also remote bathing resorts and jammers. Depending on the mood.
Wide bathing shorts do not come into question for me..These are full of water that it must carry out the basin and then be refilled -> water – and energy waste. In addition, they brake while swimming, dry much too slowly and look imho sack from 😅
In France, large bathing resorts are prohibited, for example, in swimming pools.
What to wear is to decide for search.
To 99% I wear swim briefs, as they are the only ones for my taste with which you can swim reasonably.
Bathing shorts I only wear in a fun bath if you are located predominantly outside the water.
I don’t find those swimwear called panties so bad from the shape. However, I don’t think they can hold like bathing slips and you can see al too often whether it is left or right. In addition, the majority of manufacturers believe that the panties must have a central seam at a decisive point. This circumstance strengthens the effect again
and I always keep my boxershorts under the badeshorts
is more comfortable and looks horny when showing the boxershorts something
Since the selection is not available naked, I have taken bathing briefs that where I can not bathe naked I wear a bathing brief
Well, what do you want to write in detail? I just don’t like sticking a lot of wet fabric to me and I like the feeling of passing water. You get brown everywhere without pulling up your pants legs is also great.
That’s why I just wear swim briefs and rarely referred to as “short panties”. Are trunks for me.
For me, just ask yourself why should I wear something else?
I like to wear the shorter and more the better I find it honestly
How old are you?
Bathing briefs sometimes, and most likely string.
Like underwear. Nothing else!
Then prefer naked in a beautiful tight jeans!!
Better said swimstring. All important is well covered. There is plenty of freedom of movement and a low water resistance.
I’m fine.
Even if you’re not musculosic and trained, but a Speedo is already doing something. Men have a talent for giving up little of themselves. In a tight swimsuits rather impossible.
Either or. More woas i ned.
I’m 14 and wear long shorts but I heard the swim briefs are best for swimming. I have never worn bathing slips except a few times as a small child with so 7 or 8 have not to wear it either because it would be a bit unpleasant to me because it is so short.
I prefer to wear slips. Not only as swimwear – as underpants also 🙂
I’ll find it hard. Whether cotton or polyester. You don’t smell good in underwear.
In the meantime, I only wear bath clips, whether swimming, outdoor swimming or in the spa. With these trousers you have the best freedom of movement and everything is held in place. I’m at the beginning of 30. Below a picture of my current swimwear:
What brand is that?
By Bruno Banani. What do you think?
You’re really SUPER! Concrete also your legs beautiful😃😎
Very good idea. It should be compact. So the whole package. Look good again and again!
I don’t think it was funny. But as a swimsuit you are absolutely right in the swimming pool in the minority. In the 50+ generation, some more men wear swim briefs. But the younger one can hardly see someone wearing slips.
I’m sure there’s some weird look. I only experienced it again because I was the only one in the swimming pool that had a bath slip.
The swimsuits are a little less than the sports pants of Adidas, Speedo or Arena, but as you can see on my picture, the most important thing is still covered.
Here is the Amazon link to this swimwear Other
Looks for my taste also for a bath slip quite kanpp. Or does that deceive?
I only wear string. Pleasant little wet fabric on the body.
And what does the compact pack say?
Yeah, all in his place.
Find bath briefs emphasize the body best and have the least fabric in the way.
And under a panties.
To date, I have worn only chest swimsuits, jammers and (to have tried them at least once) swim shorts, but wear as underwear, since I have them, only jockstraps and find the extremely comfortable. Therefore, I think I’ll find slips best; a slip will definitely be my next swimwear.
Very good idea!
Bathing brief is most convenient and best. Is eif so
I just find the most comfortable to wear and you can swim with it. Also look good.
Mostly, panties and jammers.
There are no “best” swimwear, you have to find the most suitable for you. In swimming clubs, tight swimsuits are of advantage (less water resistance), but for Otto normal consumers this makes no big difference, as you get better times with swimming style and training.
But you should have a pretty Speedo swimwear.
I got some original Speedo.
As a swimmer (m, 15) I wear either bath slips, bathing boxers or jammers. Which one is best is difficult to say, but bathing briefs have the least fabric and you feel a little more free when swimming. You can also wear jammers and bathers as well. I’d like to ask you if you have any questions.
Bathing briefs or jammers.
Kuze tight shorts
If then bath clip
We only wear swimsuits for many years.
I prefer to wear them. I usually have one at swimming.
Be 16 and wear long shorts.
Mostly badeslips find the most cozy bin m17
Lovely swim briefs with friends or so usually shorts.
Just find the most comfortable and pleasant to swim.
My friend wears swim briefs, rarely short panties.
because I generally don’t like to wear tight things
I prefer to take a long swim
Bath brief.
Whenever I can, and wherever it is, no (clothing).
In the company of other people, I would personally prefer a bath slip. It covers the most necessary and is serious.
I wear swim shorts. M/27.
It’s hard for me to wear pants
Long shorts
nothing of it
Mostly bathing brief,
am performance swimmer
m 28
Boxer under
I’m wearing this.
Strings or nude
With Skamuster
Low waist strings
It’s good