welche Autos sind gut und nicht teuer, also Autos sollte maximal 3000-4000 € kosten und auch gebrauchte Autos wo kann man diese kaufen?

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1 year ago

With the budget and under 200,000km you can be happy to get a car what you can call a car or get anything ready to drive.

you will have to access older vehicles or smaller vehicles on the budget.

1 year ago


In this price class the cars are about 20 years old and have more than 200’000 km. If you pay another tenth of the new price at best, you must not wait too many. The depreciation is low, for which the permanent repairs tear a hole into the budget.

There are exceptions. Look for an old Toyota. At 20 years, they are still technically core-healthy and just arrived at 200’000 km. If he gets really old, you’ll get 1000 euros in the export, even with 400’000 km and need to repair.

My everyday car, a Toyota minibus, now has 330’000 km on the hump and is 37 years old.

The camper, also a Toyota as a base vehicle, is 42 years old and also has over 200’000 km. I’m still going to the holiday today, and he doesn’t let me stand.


1 year ago

Toyota Yaris, Auris, Corolla

Ford Fiesta or Focus