Welche Auswirkungen hat eine einzelne zigarette?
Vorab, ich bin 18! Nur leider sehr sehr uninformiert.
bin vor kurzem 18 geworden, mir wurde eine zigarette angeboten und da ich generell der ansicht bin dass man mindestens alles einmal ausprobieren soll hab ich zum ersten Mal geraucht.
offensichtlich bin ich mir bewusst dass der rotz krebserregend ist usw. Allerdings bin ich jetzt heiser kann keine hohen töne mehr von mir geben etc.
da ich im bekanntenkreis leute habe welche seit geraumer zeit rauchen und nicht über solche probleme klagen mache ich mir sorgen dass irgendwie was falsch gelaufen ist etc.
kann das wirklich schon nach einer einzigen zigarette passieren? Ich hab sowieso nicht vor jetzt mit dem rauchen anzufangen aber ich mache mir grade n riesen kopf deswegen.
vielen dank für jegliche antwort
ABER… a single cigarette can already trigger first symptoms of dependence. In most people, this happens only after several cigarettes, but it is possible. As a non-smoker, the extreme dependency potential cannot be estimated. If you know and know, it’s too late. It has its reasons why smokers often remain loyal customers of the tobacco industry for decades. This has nothing to do with taste for freedom & adventure or because it is so great and cool…
Smoking, no matter what, when, how much and what, is always extremely harmful, with a high dependency potential. But the damage is almost exclusively long-term damage. A single or individual cigarette is harmful, but does not hurt, so it remains with this one.
There’s a lot that you don’t have to try. Smoking is part of it. Then it is better to evaporate. At least one does not damage oneself and no dependency leads.
Anyway… now you’re richer for an experience.
Good to you… and stay healthy.
Greeting, RayAnderson 😉
At 1 cigarette happens exactly nix
This only cigarette, if it does not find a successor, will not have any remaining effects, but:
this setting:
If necessary, you should rethink again, because there is a lot of what you should definitely NOT try once:
-Without parachute jumping from the plane (or from the high-rise)
-Your (or yourself) seriously hurt
– commit a crime
And that smoking is strunzdoof, you know yourself (good if/you don’t have to repeat that)
Of course, I mean more so that you can obviously do without problems
In a tipping absolutely nothing happens
A single tip will no longer affect your life. Apart from that you now know how disgusting it tastes.
Only more should it not become.
Now it’s too late there can only say it yourself. In the next 10 hours, your body will slowly become internally decaying from the lungs, this one will notice that you get less and less air. When it’s in the final stage (in 20 hours) you’ll drop whole pieces of meat until you die.
Thank you