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Ist das eure Meinung nach süß?
Das ist der berühmteste Baby Affe der Welt und es wird als Haustier gehalten 🙂
In water fleas, microplastics block the intestine they starve. This was observed in the lab. This also happens with beard whales. There were already starved animals with tons of plastic found in the stomach. It has also been proven that it affects the male sex glands in some pests. On Helgoland there is a birdmobile when the birds collect the pastik fishing net remains from the sea to build their nests. Boys like old stay stuck in it and strangle or starve. And so much more. Very much.
And also plants take up plastic. This affects their growth. With our clothes, which are also completely or partially made of plastic, plastic fibers are flushed into the waste water while washing. The sewage sludge is also used as a fertilizer for agricultural soils. Farms where our food grows.
We also like to dispose of plastic in the brown ton. Only a tiny part can be fished out by hand. The rest just lands in the ground on which the resulting humus is discharged. So we like to take our waste back into us.
In humans, especially in small children, very high concentrations of plastic in the chair, urine and blood were detected. More than in the rest of the population. An exception was a family that lives almost plastic-free. The lab repeated the test because they thought they made a mistake.
As soon as plastic comes into contact with the sun it catches falling. We also filter tiny particles from the air with our lungs. And as we stand at the end of the food chain, we get it more and more and we like to enrich ourselves.
You could write a book about it. But who cares? What you don’t see is not there either. Faith in the plastic god is unwavering. (Have read a nice poem here)
Just so lightly scratched and you will see by people whether it is of interest. Have fun in the future. Considering exactly what plastic is and would have to be done as a special waste.
The latest sewage sludge regulation is now going to have to burn the sewage sludge and not be used as fertilizers.
When no plastic is detected, the maximum ingredients of different plastics are detected.
And give a sustainable alternative that does not ruin the environment or lets billions of people die.
They’ve been there for several thousand years. Some are rediscovered, others are reinvented. There is a great deal. The desire for it is not so stupid. So far, it’s just small companies that produce something like that. But the human being adheres to acquaintances until he sees it clearly or feels it, then he only changes his behavior. So something else has to happen. What tangible. And this is not easy, because today the view is limited. I and my phone do not need today’s man anymore. So it has to be very bad than just a few dead animals. Something like this happened to us more often than the youth can imagine. I am referring to three major events that have changed thinking very much. That’s good, but the thought is the cornerstone.
Certainly in a few things we will need plastic for a while, but at some point it is also replaceable.
And you can also appreciate the precious metals from sewage sludges and the ash of waste incineration plants. And often more is in there than in the same amount of soil. The Japanese have been doing this for years with the help of heat. But there are more possibilities
Funny you’re talking about. Silizizum is actually the carrier for IC only unfortunately plastics are essential for the production process. For the lithography with which the structures are made, plastic is the element which allows the installation and there is no alternative. In addition, the contacts also have to be insulated accordingly and the circuit boards on which the ICs are then used are also made of plastic. I can’t.
In the soil are many minerals that have already been used. Sand is one of the simplest and most important raw materials ever. Sand is third of the things that man needs. Big shops are made with sand. Sand should know everyone. Especially in connection with electricity it was one of the most used minerals. Construction, semiconductor technology and gas industry.
Think everyone knows that.
Examples…. please one with electricity…
In some areas, the sculptures are far exceeded.
Ok Material Science is not yours. There is no material class except the plastics that has the corresponding properties. There is no “hole” where it suddenly puffs and a miracle comes out.
Plastics are a huge material group that is not to be replaced except you return to the 1830s…
They eat it and end it. End of history. And they are poisoning, because plastics are heavily insulated.