Welche Auswirkung haben Drogen auf den Körper eines Kindes?

Ich frage mich wie Kinder (11-14) auf z.B. Gras/ Tabak und co. reagieren.

Da in meiner Schule fast jeder in den Klassenstufen 6/7 und höher raucht, würde ich gerne wissen ob es in so einem jungen Alter schädlicher ist als bei volljährigen.

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1 year ago

The consumption of tobacco and marijuana in puberty involves some risks (see links).

1 example: The brain of a child/younger is like a hard disk that has not yet been fully formatted, so it is also very “prone to error”; By means of brain scans, one compares the brain of a ciffing young person with that of a pedigree who does not consume, so one sees clearly that the brain of the consumer is smaller & inactive than in the case of non-ciffing.



https://www.aok.de/pk/magazin/koerper-psyche/sucht/wie-gefaehrlich-ist-cannabiskonsum/#:~:text=Doch%20gerade%20Jugendalter%20is,approximately%20Psychosen%2C%20Depressions%20and%20Intelligent reduction.

1 year ago
Reply to  jsjaksd9392

Very welcome:)

1 year ago

Absolutely. In so young years, drugs are generally not a good idea. This also applies in particular to alcohol, which is not less harmful to adult people.

aalbtraum, UserMod Light

There are countless different drugs that differ more or less from their possible negative health effects. Minors should generally dispense with consumption. That doesn’t mean drugs are automatically something for all adults. There are people with certain pre-disorders and unfavorable genetic positions that should in principle dispense with use.

How consumption will have an effect on an individual level cannot be said with certainty in advance. It is clear, however, that the risks associated with consumption are greater, the younger you are when you start consumption and the more frequent and intensive you consume. Conversely, the risks associated with consumption are lower, the older you are when you start consumption and the less you consume. However, consumption is not risk-free.

Maybe interesting:

1 year ago

According to the statements by Prof Dr Lauterbach, on 27.04.2023, at Markus Lanz, a joint per week is enough, in non-adults, to cause irreversible damage to the brain.

This is especially valid for children and young people, but also for people up to about 25 years of age. This has the background that the human brain is only fully developed at about 25 years.

Studies impressively show how severe irreversible damage to the brain can be, which can clearly be attributed to the consumption of marijuana.

Conventional cigarettes are almost harmless compared to the consumption of marijuana, in this age range, although every consumption of tobacco is of course also extremely harmful. In conventional cigarettes, the extreme danger of dependence is at the forefront of age.

Since marijuana is often smoked together with tobacco, the dangers of long-term damage including dependency are potent.

1 year ago

It is definitely more harmful.. There can be permanent damage, for example, in the brain as the bodies are still in development

1 year ago

React normal haha. I started the age. When you start safe healthier but no one waits until you are full year ey

1 year ago

I can’t find any change on them. Been so stupid before.