Welche Augenfarbe habe ich?
Hallo, ich habe letztes mal Fotos von meinen Augen gemacht und habe eigentlich komplett braune Augen erwartet. Eine Freundin von mir hat auch gesagt hat es komplett braune Augen sind und ich aufhören soll versuchen besonders zu sein oder so. Aber bin ich irgendwie Farbenblind oder bin ich die einzige die da einbisschen grün sieht? (sorry für die Qualität der Bilder)
Danke schonmal im Voraus
Would say that this is a mixture of Braun🤎 and Grün💚.
In any case I find the color beautiful🫶🏼✨️
Thank you
Your basic marbles are a beautiful medium-brown, which is passed through various green and red-brown inclusions and has a beautiful greenness and warmth.
Your iris is surrounded by a prominent, dark brown Limbus ring that intensifies the radiance of your eye color,
The dark eyelashes and eyebrows form a beautiful contrast.
Every eye color is special, it is like a unique one that only exists once in the world, just like you human.
Good for you.
no iris of a human has only one single, uniform color, but it is always a dominating prime color (here brown) that is not present evenly everywhere and is penetrated with fine all other colors, with you it looks greenish/yellowish.
I also see brown-green! Looks pretty.
thank you
Sounds funny but with me it looks the same I think it comes to light. There’s a lot of brown here, but there’s something yellow and green.
So a greenish brown a greenish yellowish brown. A light brown green yellow lol
I see something green