Welche ärztlichen Maßnahmen müssen durch den Tierarzt eingeleitet werden wenn ein Hund/Katze Alkohol aufgenommen hat und Symptome zeigt wie im Video s. unten?
schließlich drohen ja möglicherweise Langzeit-Schäden an der Leber, wie kann man diese verhindernß
Dogs can get an agent sprayed with the veterinarian, causing the alcohol to decompose more quickly or if the alcohol was taken up a short time ago. The veterinarian or an animal clinic can monitor the dog.
no longer, dehydration prevent, active charcoal, skin flushing
Possibly, the animal is given crushing agent.
Many years ago, one of our Poby’s fermented beet skeletons eaten, we didn’t know what’s going on with the pony and called the veterinarian.
He examined the pony and said laughing “that’s drunk.”
We should only spare the pony in the next few days.
If it happens once, no alcohol poisoning stops, it does not damage it.
There is another difference between pony and dog/cat
True, but as I said, there should be no remaining damage if dog or cat have no alcohol poisoning.