Welche Art von Spielzeugen und Aktivitäten sind am besten, um die geistige und körperliche Gesundheit von Katzen zu fördern?
Ich lebe mit zwei Katern in Wohnungshaltung zusammen. Ich bin immer auf der Suche nach tollen Spielzeugen und Beschäftigungsmöglichkeiten für meine Jungs.
Welche Spielzeuge sind bei euch das Highlight?
Gibt es favorisierte Beschäftigungen für eurer Fellchen?
Bastelt/Näht ihr Beschäftigungen und/oder Spielzeug selbst?
Weihnachtliche Grüße von DaLi, 😺Leo und 😺Mishu🎄
Game fishing or laser pointers are very popular with mine as they can run and hunt.
Or leaking. So, the Katzis are locked away first while I distribute the leaks, and then they can go looking.
Intelligence / Skill toy is quch very popular and also mentally outloads, as the Katzis have to think and taste a lot of themselves.
Almost everything can also be made
“Intelligence / Skill toys” Do you have any favorites I can buy on the net?
I myself have a tower for dogs where the tuere has to pull out (there are several floors) and a “fumping board” on the various “tasks”
https://www.amazon.de/TRIXIE-interactive intelligence toy strategy game-4590/dp/B001O8L2UO/ref=mp_s_a_1_3?crid=1PPDOO1MGO212&keywords=Catt+fummelbrett&qid=1703163051&prefix=cate+fummel
https://www.amazon.de/TRIXIE-Intelligenttoy-Hundebesch%C3%A4 Validation-Activity-strategy-game/dp/B002XCTUIQ/ref=mp_s_a_1_3?crid=AU357ON5DQ0M&keywords=hund+31
There are many different who are also different.
This can also be done with cardboard, toilet paper rolls or plastic bottles. For example, a slightly higher carton, where many holes differ and then leaks are put in, which the cats have to get out through the holes.
You’re welcome
Thank you for your suggestions.
Paper balls and cartons. Best paper balls in cardboard boxes, that always goes. Toys had never been interested.
A cardboard with loud small holes, e.g. shoe box and a pair of leaks in and are busy
Avoid laser pointers, which frustrate cats extremely fast, the frustration during hunting of the point is often confused with excitement.
Laserpointers solve exactly what you describe: moderate interest and relatively fast a kind of frustration. I completely removed from my repertoire. 😉 With the cardboard, holes and paper ball, or TroFu I find a great thing! I’ll try it out, thank you.
I don’t have cats, but ferrets, and for them, for example, I build the game fishing myself, with a little bigger stuffed animals than normal, so that they can really crawl and bite themselves.
Otherwise, hold play boxes full of paper, Ü eggs or balls (ball bath)
Everything that speeds, cracks or flaps! In the end, the best combination is if I order something on the net and the cat gets the carton. There are bonus points when the delivery has been padded with packing paper! This can be hunted, killed and crushed, the greatest joy for the fur nose ;).
Valerian cushions are also popularly seen and intensely licked variety! Stink to heaven, especially when they have been thoroughly perforated once, but hey, what is not done for the Miez ;).
By the way, scratch puppets are also better than any more expensive scratching tree. Luckily, there are those now in some pretty and with cartons around, so that you can’t fly the buns all over the place.
I’ve tried a lot, but except for the fishing and the feeder board, there’s nothing going well. They usually prefer paper balls and a self-made feed roll (similar to the picture, but without fastening and with fewer holes, so that they can also move around). Unfortunately, it’s really hard to find good that she’s busy.
Can I understand? Thank you for your answer and recommendations.
Cat mint is irresistible.
Cat grass
play show with catminze are best, but valerian likes them I also like
knisterbälle are also a highlight for the one or other cat
My cats have always tried to nail room plants – but cat mint or grass has never been interested!
My cats liked to eat it. They were rolling in catminze!