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I don’t have a car and by bike I always find a parking lot right in front of the door.
There is no flat-rate answer for me, which fluctuates between walking, cycling or using the ÖPNV, depending on the circumstances.
Don’t have a car or a bike, but it’s not bad. I live in a small town and on foot everything is easily accessible. Besides, I do well exercise and I enjoy running, especially when it has snowed.
From my place of residence (Dorf), I drive to the city by bike. I can sneak through and always find a way to store.
Bobby-Car (bergab)
Goes fast and is environmentally friendly
by car I can’t find a car park – my favourite bike
The most convenient
Hello, definitely bicycle!!! Is environmentally friendly and you’re not in traffic jam, you don’t have to find a parking lot where traffic lights wait infinitely long…
I hope that will help you:)
Thanks for the answer;-)
belmoto Mobility Card – I can use all possible means of transportation 😀
I’m driving strangely to other people and expecting them from my fellow human beings…
I’ll never drive in town by car. That was ultra bad.
You’re just in traffic and you can’t find a parking lot….
That’s the problem. You can’t find a parking lot. In the time when I found a parking lot, I could also have been able to ride on the train and enjoy the nature. There is also a small drink or food from downtown. Besides, railway is really cool.
There is always a place in spite of crowded trains because most people do not sit beside a stranger.
Or take the train.
Depends on where and why.
And of course it also depends on the specific vehicle, right 😉
Run and bus and train. (previously also with the wheel).
E-Rolli drivers, otherwise and on short trips of course car.
Flying carpet, fast and environmentally friendly
I’m missing a City Crouser bike. Car is annoying, never parking free ðŸ