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Namen für Special Adventure?
Die Hauptfigur heißt Weidenklang und ich schreib halt ihr SpecialAdventure. Habt ihr gute Titel Ideen? So was wie Weidenklangs Herz oder Geheimnis oder sowas. Am besten einen Titel, den es noch nicht in den Büchern gab. Möge der SternenClan deinen Pfad erleuchten ^^ LG Honigbrise
Warrior Cats SchattenClan namen?
Hallöchen Ich schreibe eine Warrior Cats FF und bräuchte Namen für Krieger aus dem SchattenClan Danke 😀 LG Nebelklang
Hi, ich schreibe gerade einen Roman und brauche einen guten Internatsnamen für Vampire. Es sollte relativ gut zu merken sein (z.b. wie Hogwards). Wäre cool wenn ihr antwortet. LG
Passt der Name Iris?
Hallihallo liebe Community 🥰 Ich wollte fragen, ob ihr den Namen Iris passend für eine Fantasy Figur. Die Geschichte würde in der realen Welt in der heutigen Zeit. Denkt ihr der Name passt? Ich würde mich auch über eure Meinung freuen! LG Euer Rotfuchs 🦊
Was haltet ihr von diesem Zitat?
“You are all the Things that are wrong with you. Its Not the alcohol, or the drugs or any of the shitty Things that happenend to you in your Carrer or when you were a kid, its you.”
Generally, what you hear outside Wattpad from Wattpad and also what is always suggested on the side that is not determined by your own tendencies is a goodgirl/Badboy romance, preferably with mafia, kidnapping, ‘Spicy’ scenes and occasionally a celebrity that is inserted as ‘Badboy’. This has been going through for years, there are only trends from time to time, such as which celebrity is in the centre or whether you involve a fantasy creature – yes, I remember the whole werewolf-soulmate stories.
You should have a comprehensible spelling so that history is legible, but really creative you don’t have to be, on the contrary: Wattpadleser loves to read the same story 20 times with other names in each case and swap it with whether the hospital or the final/mask ball scene comes first.
I hate these stories being so popular. I write only those who are not yet, but occasionally read out for interest due to the hype at 1000000 views books and could cry at the 0815 topic
I’ve never been to Wattpad, but from my point of view, I’d say:
A finished book (no fragmentary chapters) with an appealing cover that has an interesting content and a beautiful writing style, without spelling and grammar errors.
The reader would only have to find that between all the “good times, my first attempt to write” publications.
Well, from my friends most go to Wattpad to read Smut..