Welche Ansprüche hat ein Autokäufer?
Wenn das zu liefernde Autohaus mit dem bestellten Wagen mehr als 6 Wochen im Liefer~Verzug ist. Gebuchte Ferienfamilienhausunterkunft kann deshalb nicht erreicht werden, muss trotzdem bezahlt werden 5000. Euro Verlust, usw.
I’m afraid you’ll bite on granite at the car dealer’s expense.
For this, there would certainly be other solutions than simply not to go on holiday. A car from a friend borgen e.g. Mostly, only the procedure gasoline + a box of beer.
In addition, a late delivery is nothing unusual and 6 weeks not particularly long. Especially when you look at the current international freight situation. There is a state of emergency and that will not change so quickly.
Surely you should talk to the dealer and see what you can do. But don’t go euphorically and you don’t get the holiday first.
You don’t give cars and women, my husband says.
Then your husband can also rent a car if boar goes against his principles.
You have a claim from the contract with the car house. Not at all. Your booked holiday home doesn’t really interest me.
Do you have a delivery date confirmation? Did you set a further written deadline to the car house?
It is very unlikely that there is a fixed delivery date for an ordered, still to be built car.
If you have a home purchase, if you are in default with the completion date, you have to pay the rent for a spare apartment.
If there was really a binding delivery date, you can claim the costs of a rental car as a SChaden replacement.
The 5,000€ are not included.
Is the car house really in a way? Was a fixed delivery date agreed or just a non-binding? A firm wreath, unintentionally.
If only a non-binding delivery date has been agreed, there is no claim at all. The car house has nothing to do with booking the holiday accommodation. Of course, they could be reached in any other way than just by the car ordered.
Is it still possible to turn to a rental car? The costs must then be paid by the dealer (in addition to the performance from 286 BGB)
Doesn’t have 7 seats.
I hardly believe that the car house has promised a binding delivery date. Then it’s also nix with damages.