Welche alternativen zu Teflon?


Ich wollte mal wissen welche Alternativen zu Teflon ihr kennt und nutzt.

Teflon lässt sich auf kurz (schneller bei Biligen) oder Lang (auch bei guter Qualität) beschädigen.

Habt ihr Alternativen zu Teflon, die gute Anti-Haft Eigenschaften haben zu-hause und könnte diese Empfehlen?

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2 months ago

You can fry with every iron pan – properly treated it with time like a coated one.

2 months ago

Teflon and so use time.

If you want to have a pan that lasts for a very long time, you need to get an iron pan.

There are cast iron pans with and without enamel, there are forged iron pans and pans made of stainless steel. These pans are heavier and somewhat unhandy, but even with time they form a non-stick coating.

2 months ago

I once had a special pan of silit. was around the 200 euro. 50 years warranty on the coating – and the test with the hammer I actually did.

was probably a special titanium ceramic coating with space technology or something.

I found the pan boring after two years and gave it away.

ps – I’m able to fry in a stinky teflon pan so that it keeps really long (10 years plus).