Welche 360mm AIO für 100-150€ Sockel AM5 und LGA1200?

Hallo ich habe aktuell einen Gaming PC mit einem I5-10600 und möchte bald auf einen Ryzen 7 oder 9 Upgraden, welche AIO kann ich verwenden, sie sollte eine größe von 360mm haben und RGB Beleuchtet sein.

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5 months ago

Each with said properties.

Cooling is more different in longevity (no enermax) and volume. In cooling capacity, all rights are similar (at the same size).

Go on geizhals.de and filter it out…

As a tip for p/l take ne Arctic freezer. Is there now also with RGB.


5 months ago
Reply to  Usj89

Why not Enermax? Did you have problems with the Hig-end models? I have been building these in almost all systems of my customers since 2019 and have never had a problem. Approximately 280 systems are equipped with the Enermax. Please do not take the favorable models as an example, they are really not so great. Had only 4 pieces of it installed and one had problems after 3 years. (Geräusche during operation)

5 months ago

price performance and in pointo reliability I would Enermax AquaFusion ADV 360 recommend. I’m building them in 90% of my systems. Simply because they are extremely reliable and offer a very, very good performance.

5 months ago
Reply to  BigBenGermany

Puh. Enermax is no longer coming to my PC

Vlt just get 2x consecutive bad Monday models. But quite unlikely.

Pump failure after 6 months each.

5 months ago
Reply to  Usj89

I only build components that I trust 100%. I give to components I recommend even 5 years warranty. If a customer wants something else, I don’t give an extra guarantee. Then the manufacturer’s warranty remains.

Therefore, I always test the components I want to recommend for heart and kidneys. Unfortunately, this is not really possible in a long-term test. That’s why I always take manufacturers I trust.

5 months ago
Reply to  Usj89

Which one have you installed? With the LiqFusion and AquaFusion I have never had any problems, with around 280 builds now, winning 2019.

The LiqMax are really bad, because I’m right to you, have only 4 installed and one after 3 years of trouble with a customer.

5 months ago

Okay, that would fit my experience. That wasn’t a pump failure. She was loud and gave strange sounds of herself. Unfortunately only after 3 years at the LiqMax II ARGB. There is now a 3 version. But I don’t trust him anymore.
The high-end versions of LiqFusion, which are no longer available and the AquaFusion I trust 100%, as I have never had any problems before and the cooling performance for the money is absolutely impressive. The 300€ AIOs can’t do that better.

5 months ago

Yes may have been ne liquid max. I’d have to look, but I’m going from

5 months ago

Endorfy navis f360 argb (with leds)

Endorfy navis f360 (without leds)