Weiterflugticket im Ausland kaufen oder vorher planen?
Ich fliege in 2 Monaten für 1 Monat nach Thailand aber wenn wenn mein Touristenvisum verbraucht ist, möchte ich gerne nach Vietnam weiterfliegen. Dafür brauche ich ein Weiterflugticket. Sollte ich das Weiterflugticket nach Vietnam erst in Thailand kaufen oder sollte ich es in Deutschland genau auf den Tag genau planen, wann ich nach Vietnam weiter fliege und es in Deutschland schon kaufen. Also kauft man Weiterflugticket generell immer spontan im Ausland oder plant man das in seinem Heimatland?
Danke für die Antworten!!
You write about a month stay in Thailand and a tourist visa. With a tourist visa you can stay in Thailand for up to 60 days. You probably don’t mean a tourist visa, but an entry without a visa. Then you get only a residence permit for 30 days (as German, Austrian, Swiss, etc.).
However, the official requirement for visa-free entry is – unlike visa – the property of a further or exit booking. Even though this is rarely exaggerated, for this reason alone it would be advisable to book the further flight to Vietnam before the arrival of the trip.
If you decided to continue your flight in planning, I would book the ticket here. i.d.R. are generally short-term purchased /booked flights increasingly expensive
Usually, flight counters are cheaper in advance than just before the flight. Can compare prices so far and then estimate / guess if this is worth waiting. Otherwise, a ticket on site would be more flexible if you would like to leave earlier.
On cheaper prices by buying on site I wouldn’t play poker, I haven’t seen anything yet.
Tickets purchased in Thailand are always cheaper than booked from abroad.