Weiter weg bis zum Fussballverein?
Ich spiele seit kurzem in einem Verein welches einer meiner freunde mir angeboten haben. Mir gefällt es dort zu spielen aber das problem ist es ist weit ich muss Montags und Donnerstags mit der s bahn hinfahren. Soll ich weiterhin dort trainieren oder es sein lassen ?
I don’t think it’s a distancing to decide whether you’re going on or not. You wanted it and it’s fun, so stay on it no matter how far. If you have fun, you usually do everything you can do. So I think you should keep going. 🙂
Glg Clary✨
We don’t know how long you drive, run. Finally, you can only decide.
To think
If there is a connection and real! S-webs have a relatively tight cycle. The time between two trips. The S-Bahn Berlin runs in 10/20 min clock
The driving time is not too much
Why not.
If it is an RB that is guided only as an S-Bahn, it does not, of course, have a dense but a minimum of 1 h also a 2 h clock. Then the whole thing takes if you arrive two minutes after the departure of course 58 min longer.
Here the s-bahn stations are only five kilometers away from each other.
I would not spend more than 30 to a maximum of 45 minutes on a way,
If a professional career is foreseeable, yes.