Weiter rauchen nach Kompressor im Krankenhaus?

Ich ( m 15) war 1 Woche im Krankenhaus am Kompressor und mir wurde Luft in die Lunge gepumpt, weil die Lungenbläschen so verklebt waren dass ich so gut wie gar keine Luft mehr bekommen habe.

Mittlerweile geht es zum Glück wieder wenigstens einigermaßen.

Ich kann nicht aufhören zu rauchen und werde jetzt wieder wie davor (also Kette rauchen) weiter rauchen. Ich bin zu süchtig.

Denkt ihr dass ich dann bald gleich wieder ins Krankenhaus muss oder wird meine Lunge das jetzt wieder eine zeitlang aushalten ohne komplett zu verkleben?

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1 year ago

I want to be honest with you: if you keep doing this, the risk that you’re dying is very high. Do you have a family? If you die, there’s no one else who will take care of her as you could. You’ll lose everyone you know, and you’ll lose it. People go to work, have fun in life and life until they get old and see their grandchildren, not every day must be beautiful, but the days where they are the best.

People have dreams

If you continue this way you will not be able to realize many of your dreams, forget that you will die so early that you will not even have the time to dream of some things at all. Some dreams and thoughts come only when you get older.

I’d turn to your home doctor and go to a therapy.

Smoking itself is stronger and fun. I don’t want to stop.

If you have fun smoking and don’t want to stop, you decided. I’m sorry for your parents and relatives.

Let’s ask you: Are you saying you were born? You don’t have to answer if you don’t want to. I don’t know you as a person, but I know the answer, and I know you know what I think. I just want to put them to you so that you’re in the clear, what a life you’re actually leading and maybe it’s clicking up there with you.

1 year ago
Reply to  JonasHuber121

No, I don’t regret it

Think again, sorry but that can be 100%, really 100% not. You take your own life, even though you realized that you took your life. So you know

The moment you wrote that it’s fun to smoke was the moment you should have realized it.

Smoking attacks the psyiche in such a way as to become addicted, but it does not change the opinion of the person or his pronunciation and thought.

You’re addicted to it, okay, but you’re saying you’d be fun. So you just wait and hope that you will not happen, even though it will happen to 100% because you are a human being with a human lung.

Your life is made of cigarettes, okay, but instead of going on, you should consider what other methods there are your desire to appease cigarettes.

You can also buy gum cigarettes that look like a real one. Thus, at least 25 years live loosely, hopefully at least.

With your current fun, you’re away from the window in a maximum of 3 years. Absolute maximum.

1 year ago


as I was able to conclude by your reaction to the help attempts, you are an ignorant, stubborn and nothing-learning teenager who apparently does not want to understand that he is close to avoiding his life. The sad thing is for me that there are people and children like me, who are probably not able to live so long by themselves, but you enter your life, which you could live without restrictions, with your feet and that makes me mad and sad at the same time. Enjoy your life and don’t throw it away! The visit to the hospital should be enough warning.

I also don’t want to attack you or something, but the attitude disgusts me because I can’t understand that one can sacrifice his life voluntarily for such a shit 🤬

If you want to die, please, but don’t expect someone to miss you if you’re going to announce that you don’t want to change anything!

I hope you learned and tried to stop 🙏🍀

1 year ago

The distances between stays The hospital is getting shorter. The individual stay will be longer. At some point, you will permanently need additional oxygen, which means an ABSOLUTES smoke ban. In between the Hustan Falls are getting worse and more unsuccessful. The eject will eventually change its color and increasingly show a fresh red…

A cigarette burns like a miracle candle in pure oxygen. Erase tests are extremely difficult. All that is soaked with pure oxygen burns like hell. I don’t want to let anyone experience that “live” when he’s in the middle.

1 year ago

What do you want to hear now? You’re not open to help, then you’re out of smoke. How fast your lungs can’t tell you, but it was only the case that you should be able to teach

1 year ago

Get professional help. And if not then take snus, nicotine quaums, nicotine patches or so

1 year ago
Reply to  JonasHuber121

Snus is stronger

1 year ago
Reply to  JonasHuber121

Smoking is fun?

Well… go through!

1 year ago
Reply to  JonasHuber121

🤦 ♂️🤦 ♂️🤦

1 year ago

That was a very serious warning signal!

You’ll kill yourself sooner or later if you keep smoking. Talk to your doctor about it. There are ways to facilitate withdrawal.

Suffocation is not a particularly beautiful death!

1 year ago
Reply to  JonasHuber121

It doesn’t help your lungs.

1 year ago

It’s almost like doing anything wrong extra. Do you have any attention problem?

1 year ago

It’s your decision.