Weiter abnehmen oder nicht?

Hey, ich wiege momentan 55kg, bin 163 cm groß und 12 Jahre alt. Ich habe 5kg abgenommen und naja am Montag habe ich mich mit meinen 55kg ganz wohl gefühlt aber ihrgendwie gehen mir seit gestern so Gedanken wie “du bist so blöd warum willst du jetzt aufhören abzunehmen” usw durch den Kopf. Wie kann ich aufhören das die ganze Zeit zu denken?

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1 year ago

You now have an exactly right weight, so you can really stop taking off.

Think about your puberty and that your body wants to develop, it needs healthy calories and nutrients.

Be proud that you have a good weight now.

Good for you.

1 year ago
Reply to  DianaValesko

Thanks for the ⭐ I am very happy about it.

1 year ago

You are in an important stage of your life growth, and it is not healthy to take off alone. Talk to your parents or an adult you trust. Together you can find ways to feel comfortable and stay healthy without having to worry about your weight. Remember, you are unique and valuable as you are. LG

1 year ago

55kg at a size of 163cm is perfect. Besides, you’re in the middle of development and that’s gonna change all the time. Don’t worry about it at your age and values, that’s all right 😊


1 year ago

Through your thoughts, you quickly end up in an eating disorder. Don’t move. Stay as you are. You shouldn’t have taken off those 5 kg. You are in growth, there are diets harmful.