Weiten sich Knochen/Knochenbau wenn man zunimmt?
Ich frage mich das, weil ich wirklich sehr sehr dünn bin und von der Seite sehe ich aus wie ein Strich. Wenn ich mir jetzt einen 200kg Mann angucke, der muss doch viel größere Knochen haben, also z.B. viel größeren Brustkorb und so, oder sind dicke Menschen unter ihrem Fett genau so ein Lauch wie ich? 🙂
The bones hardly change, but overweights are likely to have more muscles than you, even if they don’t make sports. The whole weight also wants to be moved…
It is not that bones actually expand when you increase. But if you increase weight, this can increase the pressure on the bones, which can cause them to feel denser and stronger. However, it is important to note that a healthy diet and regular exercise are essential for strong bones and good health in general.
If you have any more questions, you can write to me.
That overweight “heavy” bones have is a myth. The weight alone of the skeleton may vary by 1-3kg, but not by 10 or 20kg. The skeleton under the body fat is just as good as in lean people.
The total bone mass of a body is normal between 12 and 15% of the body weight.
With a 180 cm tall and 75 kilograms tall adult, the bones weigh around the nine kilograms.
Yeah, that’s right, but with a normal-weight person, not with a person weighing 200kg.
This is true to the skeleton, but obese have more muscles under their bacon than someone who is leaner. The whole weight also wants to be moved. Therefore, they are also “broader”.
Hello no they don’t do, but the bones become stronger and heavier who trains
No. The bones don’t change.