Weit weg in WG obwohl Mutter nein sagt?

Ich bin 14 und seit ca. 3 Monaten in einer Unterkunft für Jugendliche von 13-17 Jahren, da es zuhause schwere Probleme gab.

Ich warte jetzt darauf, dass ich in eine WG ziehen kann, da meine Mutter aber noch das Sorgerecht hat, hat sie für mich entschieden, in ihrer Nähe zu bleiben, was ich auf keinen Fall möchte.

Dazu kommt noch, dass ich in ihrer Umgebung auch viele andere traumatisierende Dinge erlebt habe und auch dringend die Schule wechseln muss, da ich dort gemobbt und geschlagen werde, was mir, solange ich weiterhin hier lebe, nicht erlaubt wird.

Meine Frage wäre jetzt, wie ich obwohl meine Mutter es nicht erlaubt, in eine WG weiter weg kommen kann. (Familiengericht ist schwierig und dauert wahrscheinlich auch zu lange und bringt nichts) Danke für Antworten 🙂

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6 months ago

It will be possible to talk to you, your mother and the youth office. Maybe in the joint conversation there were reasons that spoke for your wish group.
If not, it would only be possible if the family court took the decision.

6 months ago

I’d go to the youth office and if that doesn’t help you go there for the first time maybe go to a psychologist and tell him that they can usually change a lot.

6 months ago

As long as neither family court nor mother agree: no chance.

And what kind of WG do you imagine?

You’re only 14. a “normal” WG will not agree with the Youth Office/Family Court.

also you can not express any wishes where you will.

Far away is also a problem because of the competences of the youth offices. The aim is always to return to the family. How long are you hundreds of kilometers away?

And let’s take your mother’s name. Even then the problem remains: You can’t decide where to go.

6 months ago

Family courts decide very quickly in cases of custody and the like, as there is haste. So turn to the court.

6 months ago
Reply to  Rainer135

he lives in his home, so there is no reason for any hurry

6 months ago

It’s a move, though.

Family dishes always decide very quickly. They’re stopped for that.

6 months ago

Turn to the youth office. There are also counselors for young people. They can tell you what you can do.

You have a right to integrity.

6 months ago

You’re in a place. There you have 24/7 the technical staff you can ask exactly this question. For this, the bushes are paid. So look for a person you trust and ask for a private conversation. Much better and more direct than relying on unqualified statements online. And then the step would be necessary.

6 months ago

not because she makes the decision. She’s got it so good. from 18 you can go where you want